Friday, July 30, 2021

Nisar and its definitions in Sindhi Adab

 سبجيڪٽ سنڌي

ادب جون صنفون..

۱. نثر

اسين جيڪا ڳالھ ٻولھ يا لکپڙھ ڪيون ٿا ان کي نثر چئبو آهي،

نثر جون صنفون

۱. سوانح عمري

اھڙو دستاويز جنھن ۾ ڪنھن بہ مشھور شخصيت جي زندگيءَ جي باري ۾ سندس زندگيءَ جي ھر پهلوءَ تي جامع طور ٻيو ڪير لکي تہ ان کي سوانح عمري چئبو آهي..

۲. آتم ڪھاڻي

نثر جي اھا صنف جنھن ۾ ليکڪ پنھنجي زندگيءَ جو احوال پاڻ لکي تہ ان کي آتم ڪھاڻي چيو ويندو آهي.

۳. خاڪو 

خاڪو ان دستاويز کي چئبو آهي جنھن ۾ ڪنھن بہ مشھور شخصيت جي باري ۾ ٻيو ڪو مختصر احوال لکي ڄاڻ ڏئي.

۴. سفرنامو

ادب جي اھا صنف جنھن ۾ ليکڪ پنھنجي زندگيءَ ۾ ڪيل ڪنهن بہ سفر جو احوال قلمبند ڪري ان کي سفر نامو چئبو آهي.

۵. مضمون

مضمون ۾ ليکڪ ڪنھن ھڪ نقطي تي سھڻي نموني سان لکندو آهي جنھن ۾ سنجيدگيءَ سان گڏ مزاح پڻ ٿي سگھي ٿو. مضمون ۾ ڪنھن بہ موضوع تي پابندي نہ ھوندي آھي پر انداز بيان دلڪش ۽ زبان ۾ رواني ھجڻ لازمي آهي.

۶. آکاڻي 

آکاڻيءَ جو بنياد بہ ھندو ليکڪن مان پيو ھر اھا ٻاراڻي لکڻي جنھن مان سبق يا نصيحت حاصل ٿئي ان کي آکاڻي چئبو آهي. ٻاراڻي درسي ڪتابن ۾ آکاڻيون عام طور تي ملنديون آهن.

۷. ڪھاڻي/ افسانو

افسانو ارڙهين صديءَ جي پيداوار آهي افسانو مختصر آهي، افسانو سماج جي مسئلن جو عڪس ھجڻ سان گڏوگڏ قوم جي جذبن جي ترجماني بہ ڪندو آهي سنڌي ادب ۾ افسانو انگريزن جي دؤر ۾ شروع ٿيو.

۸. ناول

ناول انگريزي ٻوليءَ جو لفظ آهي جنھن جي معني آهي ڪا نئين شيءِ، ناول ۾ ھڪ کان وڌيڪ رخن تي لکيل ھوندو آھي جنھن ۾ سماج جي مختلف مسئلن جي خيالن جي جذبن جي احساسن جي عڪاسي ٿيل ھوندي آھي سنڌي ادب ۾ ناول ترجمي سان آيو جيڪو ۱۸۷۰ع ۾ ديوان اڌارام ۽ ساڌو نولراءِ گڏجي انگريزي ناول راسيلاس جو سنڌيءَ ۾ ترجمو ڪيو ھو سنڌي ٻوليءَ ۾ پھريون اصلوڪو ناول مرزا قليچ بيگ جو ناول دلارام ۱۸۸۸ع ۾ شايع ٿيو جيڪو سندس وڏي خدمت طور ياد ڪيو وڃي ٿو.

۹. مقالو 

ادب جي اھا صنف جيڪا ڪنھن تحقيق يا تنقيد تي مشتمل ھجي تہ ان کي مقالو چئبو آهي پوءِ اھا تحقيق يا تنقيد ( براءِ اصلاح ) ڪنھن شخص تي ھجي ان جي علمي پورهئي تي ھجي ڪنھن ڪتاب تي ھجي يا انساني زندگيءَ سان تعلق رکندڙ ڪنھن بہ موضوع يا شيءِ تي ھجي ان کي مقالو چئبو آهي.

۱۰. مقالمو

ھڪ کان وڏيڪ ماڻھن جي پاڻ ۾ گفتگو کي مقالمو چئبو آهي..

Rejection of plaint

 O. VII, R. 11----Rejection of plaint---Principles----Plaint cannot be rejected in piecemeal---Plaint can only be rejected if all reliefs claimed by plaintiffs are barred under law---Even if one of the prayers is maintainable, plaint cannot be rejected under O.VII, R.11 of C.P.C.

PLD 2016 Sindh 26

Before Irfan Saadat Khan and Zafar Ahmed Rajput, JJ

Sunday, July 11, 2021





Chemistry is defined as the science that examines the materials of the universe and changes that these materials undergo. The study of chemistry is commonly divided into eight major branches: 1. Physical Chemistry The branch of Chemistry that deals with laws and theories to understand the structure and changes of matter is called Physical Chemistry. 2. Organic Chemistry: The branch of Chemistry that deals with substances containing carbon ( Except carbonates, bicarbonates, oxides and carbides. 3. Inorganic Chemistry:  The branch of Chemistry that deals with elements and their compounds except organic compounds is called Inorganic Chemistry. 4. Biochemistry: The branch of Chemistry that deals with physical and chemical changes that occur in living organisms is called Biochemistry. 5. Industrial Chemistry: The branch of Chemistry that deals with the methods and use of technology in the large-scale production of useful substances is called industrial chemistry. 6. Nuclear Chemistry: The branch of Chemistry that deals with the changes that occur in atomic nuclei is called nuclear chemistry. 7. Environmental Chemistry: The branch of Chemistry that deals with the chemicals and toxic substances that pollute the environment and their adverse effects on human beings is called environmental chemistry. 8. Analytical Chemistry: The branch of Chemistry that deals with the methods and instruments for determining the composition of matter is called Analytical Chemistry. 

Atomic Number and Mass Number

 Atomic Number

Neutral atoms of an element contain an equal number of protons and electrons. The number of protons determines an element’s atomic number (Z) and distinguishes one element from another. For example, carbon’s atomic number (Z) is 6 because it has 6 protons. The number of neutrons can vary to produce isotopes, which are atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons. The number of electrons can also be different in atoms of the same element, thus producing ions (charged atoms). For instance, iron, Fe, can exist in its neutral state, or in the +2 and +3  ionic states.

Mass Number

An element’s mass number (A) is the sum of the number of protons and the number of neutrons. The small contribution of mass from electrons is disregarded in calculating the mass number. This approximation of mass can be used to easily calculate how many neutrons an element has by simply subtracting the number of protons from the mass number. Protons and neutrons both weigh about one atomic mass unit or amu. Isotopes of the same element will have the same atomic number but different mass numbers

Rutherford's model

 Rutherford's model shows that an atom is mostly empty space, with electrons orbiting a fixed, positively charged nucleus in set, predictable paths. ... It was after this that Rutherford began developing his model of the atom

The salient features of this model are as follows: (i) The atom contains a central part called nucleus which is surrounded by electrons. (ii) The nucleus of an atom is positively charged. (iii) The size of the nucleus is very small as compared to the atomic size.

mole problem

 mole problem, the best solution is trapping. Frankly, this is often the only way to get rid of moles. Use a humane trap, and release the moles at least 5 miles from your home in a rural area away from someone else's garden. ... Moles hate the smell of tar, and you'll block their escape.

What are the laws of combination?

 What are the laws of combination?

It states that matter can neither be created nor destroyed. It stated that a given compound always contains exactly the same proportion of elements by weight.



Chemistry is a branch of science that involves the study of the composition, structure and properties of matter. Often known as the central science, it is a creative discipline chiefly concerned with atomic and molecular structure and its change, for instance through chemical reactions.

Chemistry is important because everything you do is chemistry! Even your body is made of chemicalsChemical reactions occur when you breathe, eat, or just sit there reading. All matter is made of chemicals, so the importance of chemistry is that it's the study of everything