Sania Mirza's father, Imran Mirza, has confirmed that Sania used her right to divorce her former husband Shoaib Malik through a 'khula,' which is a Muslim woman's right to unilaterally divorce her husband. Earlier reports suggested that Sania sought divorce due to alleged unhappiness with Shoaib's interactions with other women.
Sunday, January 21, 2024
Thursday, January 19, 2023
Major accident shuts down Colorado interstate as snow spreads across north-central US
Major accident shuts down Colorado interstate as snow spreads across north-central US
A highway stretch of over 150 miles was forced into closure, with snow continuing to snarl travel across the central Plains. Meanwhile, over 2 million people remain under a tornado watch in the South.
Sunday, December 18, 2022
Mania siklodoviska 1891,Poland, physics, pairi scientist, Radium,
★پولینڈ کے ایک چھوٹے سے قصبے میں ایک غریب لڑکی رہتی تھی‘ اس کا نام مانیا سکلوڈو وسکا تھا‘ وہ ٹیوشن پڑھا کر گزر بسر کرتی تھی‘19 برس کی عمر میں وہ ایک امیر خاندان کی دس سال کی بچی کو پڑھاتی تھی‘ بچی کا بڑا بھائی اس میں دلچسپی لینے لگا‘ وہ بھی اس کی طرف مائل ہوگئی چنانچہ دونوں نے شادی کرنے کا فیصلہ کیا لیکن جب لڑکے کی ماں کو پتہ چلا تو اس نے آسمان سر پر اٹھا لیا‘ اس نے مانیا کو کان سے پکڑا اور پورچ میں لا کھڑا کیا‘اس نے آواز دے کر سارے نوکر جمع کئے اور چلا کر کہا ‘ دیکھو یہ لڑکی جس کے پاس پہننے کیلئے صرف ایک فراک ہے‘ جس کے جوتوں کے تلوئوں میں سوراخ ہیں اور جسے 24 گھنٹے میں صرف ایک بار اچھا کھانا نصیب ہوتا ہے اور وہ بھی ہمارے گھر سے‘ یہ لڑکی میرے بیٹے کی بیوی بننا چاہتی ہے‘ یہ میری بہو کہلانے کی خواہش پال رہی ہے‘‘ تمام نوکروں نے قہقہہ لگایا اور خاتون دروازہ بند کر کے اندر چلی گئی‘ مانیا کو یوں محسوس ہوا جیسے کسی نے اس کے اوپر تیزاب کی بالٹی الٹ دی ہو‘ وہ توہین کے شدید احساس میں گرفتار ہوگئی اور اس نے اسی پورچ میں کھڑے کھڑے فیصلہ کیا وہ زندگی میں اتنی عزت‘ اتنی شہرت کمائے گی کہ پورا پولینڈ اس کے نام سے پہچانا جائے گا۔
یہ 1891ء تھا‘ وہ پولینڈ سے پیرس آئی‘ اس نے یونیورسٹی میں داخلہ لیا اور فزکس پڑھنا شروع کردی‘ وہ دن میں 20 گھنٹے پڑھتی تھی‘ اس کے پاس پیسہ دھیلا تھا نہیں جو کچھ جمع پونجی تھی وہ اسی میں گزر بسر کرتی تھی‘ وہ روز صرف ایک شلنگ خرچ کرتی تھی‘ اس کے کمرے میں بجلی‘ گیس اور کوئلوں کی انگیٹھی تک نہیں تھی‘ وہ برفیلے موسموں کی راتیں کپکپا کر گزارتی تھی‘ جب سردی برداشت سے باہر ہو جاتی تھی تو وہ اپنے سارے کپڑے نکالتی تھی‘ آدھے بستر پر بچھاتی تھی اور آدھے اوپر اوڑھ کر لیٹ جاتی تھی‘ پھر بھی گزارہ نہ ہوتا تو وہ اپنی ساری کتابیں حتیٰ کہ اپنی کرسی تک اپنے اوپر گرا لیتی تھی‘ پورے پانچ برس اس نے ڈبل روٹی کے سوکھے ٹکڑوں اور مکھن کے سوا کچھ نہ کھایا‘ نقاہت کا یہ عالم ہوتا تھا وہ بستر پر بیٹھے بیٹھے بے ہوش ہو جاتی تھی لیکن جب ہوش آتا تھا تو وہ اپنی بے ہوشی کو نیند قرار دے کر خود کو تسلی دے لیتی تھی‘ وہ ایک روز کلاس میں بے ہوش ہوگئی‘ ڈاکٹر نے اس کا معائنہ کرنے کے بعد کہا‘ آپ کو دواء کی بجائے دودھ کے ایک گلاس کی ضرورت ہے‘ اس نے یونیورسٹی ہی میں پائری نام کے ایک سائنس دان سے شادی کر لی تھی‘ وہ سائنس دان بھی اسی کی طرح مفلوک الحال تھا‘ شادی کے وقت دونوں کا کل اثاثہ دو سائیکل تھے‘ وہ غربت کے اسی عالم کے دوران پی ایچ ڈی تک پہنچ گئی‘ مانیا نے پی ایچ ڈی کیلئے بڑا دلچسپ موضوع چنا تھا‘ اس نے فیصلہ کیا وہ دنیا کو بتائے گی یورینیم سے روشنی کیوں نکلتی ہے‘ یہ ایک مشکل بلکہ ناممکن کام تھا لیکن وہ اس پر جت گئی‘ تجربات کے دوران اس نے ایک ایسا عنصر دریافت کر لیا جو یورینیم کے مقابلے میں 20 لاکھ گنا روشنی پیدا کرتا ہے اور اس کی شعاعیں لکڑی‘ پتھر‘ تانبے اور لوہے غرض دنیا کی ہر چیز سے گزر جاتی ہیں‘ اس نے اس کا نام ریڈیم رکھا‘ یہ سائنس میں ایک بہت بڑا دھماکہ تھا‘ لوگوں نے ریڈیم کا ثبوت مانگا‘ مانیا اور پائری نے ایک خستہ حال احاطہ لیا جس کی چھت سلامت تھی اور نہ ہی فرش اور وہ چار برس تک اس احاطے میں لوہا پگھلاتے رہے‘ انہوں نے تن و تنہا 8 ٹن لوہا پگھلایا اور اس میں سے مٹر کے دانے کے برابر ریڈیم حاصل کی‘ یہ چار سال ان لوگوں نے گرمیاں ہوں یا سردیاں اپنے اپنے جسموں پر جھیلیں‘ بھٹی کے زہریلے دھوئیں نے مانیا کے پھیپھڑوں میں سوراخ کر دیئے لیکن وہ کام میں جتی رہی‘ اس نے ہار نہ مانی یہاں تک کہ پوری سائنس اس کے قدموں میں جھک گئی۔ یہ ریڈیم کینسر کے لاکھوں کروڑوں مریضوں کیلئے زندگی کا پیغام لے کر آئی‘ہم آج جسے شعائوں کا علاج کہتے ہیں یہ مانیا ہی کی ایجاد تھی‘اگر وہ لڑکی چار سال تک لوہا نہ پگھلاتی تو آج کیسنر کے تمام مریض مر جاتے‘ یہ لڑکی دنیا کی واحد سائنس دان تھی جسے زندگی میں دوبار نوبل پرائز ملا‘ جس کی زندگی پر 30 فلمیں اور سینکڑوں کتابیں لکھی گئیں اور جس کی وجہ سے آج سائنس کے طالب علم پولینڈ کا نام آنے پر سر سے ٹوپی اتار دیتے ہیں۔ جب دنیا نے مادام کیوری کو اس ایجاد کے بدلے اربوں ڈالر کی پیش کش کی تو اس نے پتہ ہے کیا کہا؟ اس نے کہا‘ میں یہ دریافت صرف اس کمپنی کو دوں گی جو پولینڈ کی ایک بوڑھی عورت کا مفت علاج کرے گی‘ جی ہاں! وہ امیر پولش عورت جس نے کبھی کیوری کو کان سے پکڑ کر باہر نکال دیا تھا ‘ وہ اس وقت کینسر کے مرض میں مبتلا ہو چکی تھی اور وہ اس وقت بستر مرگ پر پڑی تھی.
بس ظرف بڑا رکھنے کی بات ہے مال و دولت ہونا ضروری نہیں ۔ اس لڑکی نے اتنا سہنے کے بعد بھی اس عورت کے ساتھ حسن سلوک کر کے انسانیت کا بہت سبق دیا ۔
Saturday, December 17, 2022
People born between 1961 and 1993 are called generation x
People born between 1961 and 1993 are called Generation X
It is said that Generation X has seen the biggest and most changes in the world
From the advent of the VCR to the demise of the audio cassette
As far as the USP steak
From black and white broadcasting to color digital smart TVs
From old dial telephones to the latest smart phones from kite flying to drones from black and white photos to high definition images.
This generation of human beings who hide thousands of stories of ups and downs and changes in their breasts is very valuable
All of us who belong to Generation X are precious.
X Generation 1961 to 1993 audio caste to andriod mobile and airopkanes
جتنے لوگ 1961 سے 1993 کے درمیان پیدا ہوئے انہیں جنریشن ایکس کہا جاتا پے
کہتے ہیں دنیا میں سب سے بڑی اور سب سے زیادہ تبدیلیاں جنریشن ایکس نے ہی دیکھیں ہیں
وی سی آر کی آمد سے لیکر اسکی ناپیدی تک آڈیو کیسٹ سے لیکر
یو ایس پی سٹیک تک
بلیک اینڈ وائٹ نشریات سے رنگین ڈیجیٹل سمارٹ ٹی وی تک
ڈائل گھما کر ملانے والے پرانے ٹیلی فون سے لیکر جدید ترین سمارٹ فون تک پتنگ بازی سے لیکر ڈرون جہاز تک بلیک اینڈ وائٹ تصویروں سے لیکر ہائی ڈیفینیشن امیج تک
اپنے سینوں میں عروج و زوال تغیر و تبدیلی کی ہزاروں داستانیں چھپائے ہوئے انسانوں کی یہ جنریشن بڑی قیمتی ہے
ہم سب میں سے جو ایکس جنریشن میں سے ہیں بہت قیمتی ہیں.
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Croatia in europe 1991. 1998
Today's post in the geography series is about Croatia #Croatia, full of natural scenery in Southeast Europe.
Today's land of Croatia was once a part of the Austro-Hungrio Empire which until the First World War.
In 1918, the Croats, Serbs and Slovenes formed a united kingdom, which appeared as Yugoslavia in 1929.
After World War II, Yugoslavia emerged as an independent communist state with six socialist states under the strong hands of Marshal Joseph Burrows, aka Marshal Tito.
Although Croatia declared independence in 1991, it took years for them to get their territories. Because the majority of Yugoslavia's army was Serbian. Later, through the intervention of the United Nations, all the problems were solved until 1998.
Croatia joined NATO in 2009 and the European Union in 2013.
They are also fond of football. Only then does their team have a strong base.In the Qatar World Cup, their team has lost to Argentina in the semi-final. But in a short period of time, he earned a good salary due to his hard work.
Luka Maddran is their famous player.
Croatia is located in the location of the world where there are 2715 hours in a year.
Where is the capital? Zagreb
coin the corner
area 56.594 square kilometers
Neighboring country. Bosnia and Herzegovina. Hungary .Montenegro . Serbia and Slovenia.
big cities Zagreb. Zidane. Rowanj. say
big peak Troglio Jebel 1913 m
low place Adriatic sea 0 m
population 41 lakh 90 thousand plus people.
Croats 90% and Serbs 5% remaining others.
Christianity Roman Catholic 87 percent.
Education rate 92%
Government. Parliamentary Republic.
Independence Day. June 25, 1991
national holiday 30 May 1990. On these days, the assembly of Croatia voted for its independence.
These days are called Statehood Day.
The Danube River inhabits the lands of Croatia and the shores of the Adriatic Sea make the land of the Sundas beautiful.
Croatia, which has a strong economy of 112 billion dollars, has 19 billion dollars which is pure gold in the banks.
Croatia's natural resources. Oil and coal in adequate quantities
Bauxite iron gypsum and salt.
Some of the land of Croatia is straight plains, some low mountains, some mountainous valleys.
Annually 31 billion dollars, which is a rich trader, Croatia is self-sufficient in agriculture as well as in industry.
Being a Mediterranean climate, summers are hot and winters are cold. Therefore, maize, wheat, sugarcane, potatoes and soybeans are also planted.
Industries include oil and chemical factories
Metal factory. Paper and wood factories. Ship building complexes and tourism are important.
Being beautiful lakes, valleys, rivers and beaches, millions of tourists come to visit. Croatia has made sustainable progress in a short period of time and its movement is an example of a political lesson for small nations of the world.
Croatia beautiful country beautiful land.
Current situation in Croatia
Village Faridabad Larkana .Sindh
Croatia ڪروشيا
ڪروشيا .
جاگرافي سيريز ۾ اڄ جي پوسٽ ڏکڻ اوڀر يورپ کنڊ جي قدرتي نظارن سان ڀرپور ديس ڪروشيا #croatia بابت .
ڪروشيا جي اڄ جي سرزمين ڪنهن وقت ۾ Austro-Hungrio سلطنت جو پهرين جنگ عظيم تائين حصو هئي .
1918ع ۾ ڪروٽس سرب ۽ سلوينين گڏجي گڏيل سلطنت جوڙي جيڪا 1929ع ۾ يوگوسلاويا جي نالي سان ظاهر ٿي .
ٻي جنگ عظيم بعد يوگوسلاويا هڪ آزاد خودمختيار ڪميونسٽ رياست ٿي اڀريو جنهن ۾ ڇهه سوشلسٽ رياستون هيون ۽ جنهن جي اڳواڻي مضبوط هٿن ۾ هئي مارشل جوزف بروز عرف مارشل ٽيٽو سڄي دنيا ۾ روشناس ڪرايو .
جيتوڻيڪ ڪروشيا 1991 ع ۾ آزادي جو اعلان ته ڪيو پر انهن کي پنهنجا علائقا وٺڻ ۾ سال لڳا. ڇو جو يوگوسلاويا جي فوج ۾ اڪثريت سربن جي هئي . بعد ۾ اقوام متحده جي Intervention جي ذريعي سڀ مسئلا 1998 تائين حل ٿيا .
ڪروشيا 2009 ع ۾ نيٽو کي جوائن ڪيو ۽ يورپي يونين کي 2013 ۾ .
فٽبال جا شوقين به آهن . تڏهن ئي سندن جي ٽيم وٽ مضبوط بيس به آهي .قطر ورلڊ ڪپ ۾ سندن جي ٽيم ارجنٽائن هٿان سيمي فائنل هارائي چڪي آهي . پر مختصر عرصي ۾ سٺو نالو ڪمايو اٿن پنهنجي محنتن سبب .
لوڪا ميڊرن سندن جو مشهور رانديگر آهي .
ڪروشيا دنيا جي ان لوڪيشن تي واقع آهي جتي هڪ سال ۾ 2715 ڪلاڪ اس هوندي آهي .
ڪروشيا .
گادي جو هنڌ. زگرب
سڪو . ڪونا
ايراضي . 56.594 چورس ڪلوميٽر
پاڙيسري ملڪ . بوسنيا هرزگوينا . هنگري .مونٽينيگرو . سربيا ۽ سلووينيا .
وڏا شهر . زگرب . زيڊان . روونج . بول
وڏي چوٽي . ٽروگليؤ جبل 1913 ميٽر
هيٺاهون هنڌ . Adriatic sea 0 ميٽر
آبادي . 41 لک 90 هزار پلس ماڻهو .
ڪروٽس 90 سيڪڙو ۽ سرب 5 سيڪڙو باقي ٻيا .
عيسائي مذهب رومن ڪيٿولڪ 87 سيڪڙو .
تعليمي شرح 92 سيڪڙو
گورنمينٽ .پارليماني ريپبلڪ .
آزادي جو ڏهاڙو . 25 جون 1991
قومي موڪل . 30 مئي 1990 . ان ڏينهن تي ڪروشيا جي اسيمبلي پنهنجي آزادي لاِء ووٽ ڏنا .
ان ڏينهن کي Statehood Day چوندا آهن .
درياِء ڊينوب ڪروشيا جي زمينن کي آباد ڪري ٿو ۽ Adriatic سمنڊ جا ڪنارا سندس جي سرزمين کي خوبصورت بڻائن ٿا .
112 ارب ڊالر جي مضبوط معيشيت رکندڙ ڪروشيا وٽ 19 ارب ڊالر جو خالص سون به سندس جي بئنڪن ۾ موجود آهي .
ڪروشيا جا قدرتي وسيلا . تيل ۽ ڪوئلو مناسب مقدار ۾
باڪسائيٽ لوهه جپسم ۽ لوڻ .
ڪروشيا جي زمين ڪٿي سڌي ميداني ڪٿي هيٺاهان جبل ڪٿي جابلو واديون به آهن .
ساليانو 31 ارب ڊالر جو وڻج واپار ڪندڙ ڪروشيا زراعت ۾ به خودڪفيل آهي ته صنعتن ۾ پڻ .
ميڊيٽيرئن موسم هئڻ ڪري اونهارو گرم ۽ سيارو ٿڌو اٿن . تنهن ڪري مڪئي ڪڻڪ ڪمند پٽاٽا ۽ سويابين به پوکين ٿا .
صنعتن ۾ تيل ۽ ڪيميڪل جا ڪارخانا
ڌاتن جا ڪارخانا . پيپر ۽ ڪاٺ جا ڪارخانا . جهاز ٺاهڻ جا ڪمپليڪس ۽ سياحت اهم آهن .
خوبصورت ڍنڍن وادين درياِء ۽ سامونڊي ڪنارن هئڻ ڪري لکين سياح گهمڻ لاِء ايندا آهن . ڪروشيا مختصر عرصي ۾ پائدار ترقي ڪئي آهي ۽ دنيا جي ننڍن قومن لاِء سياسي سبق وانگي سندن جي تحريڪ هڪ مثال آهي .
ڪروشيا خوبصورت ديس خوبصورت ڌرتي .
جاويدحالتي ڪروشيا
ڳوٺ فريدآباد لاڙڪاڻو .سنڌ
Monday, December 12, 2022
Ghana, Africa
جاگرافي سيريز ۾ اڄ جي پوسٽ اولهه آفريقا ۽ دنيا جي پرامن ديس #ghana گهانا بابت .
گهانا جنهن جو پراڻو نالو گولڊ ڪووسٽ آهي . جنهن جي سڃاڻپ ڪوامي نڪروما ۽ ڪوفي عنان آهن.
گهانا هڪ گهڻ لساني ۽ قدرتي وسيلن سان مالامال ڪنڌار ملڪ آهي . پرامن ايترو جو سندن وٽ ڪُل فوج ئي چوڏهن هزار آهي . 10 هزار آرمي ٻه هزار نيوي ۽ ٻه هزار هوائي فوجي شامل آهي . ملڪ جي معيشيت جو صرف 0.5 سيڪڙو ڊفينس تي خرچ ڪندڙ آهن .
ڏکڻ ائٽلانٽڪ ۽ وولٽا درياِء جي ڪناري جو هي ملڪ گرم ۽ خشڪ موسم رکندڙ وارياسو ۽ سامونڊي ديس هئڻ باوجود سڄي ايراضي تي 21 سيڪڙو ٻيلا به رکندڙ آهن .
هن ديس جي اصل باشندن جي ڪنهن کي خبر ناهي پر 12 صدي ۾ هتي بونومين ۾ سون جو واپار شروع ٿيو .15 صدي ۾ ڏکڻ گهانا ۾ اڪانا قبيلو آيو پوِء پورچوگيز ۽ ان بعد ٻيون يورپي طاقتون آيون جيڪي علائقي تي حق حاڪميت لاِء لڙندا رهيا .
اتر ۾ ڊيگبن ۽ ڏکڻ ۾ اشانتي سلطنتون ٺهيون ۽ اهي 18 صدي تائين طاقتور هيا جيڪي دنيا کي غلام وڪرو ڪندا هيا ۽ موٽ ۾ هٿيار ۽ بارود خريد ڪندا هيا ٻي سرزمين تي قبضي لاِء جيئن اڄ سامراجي ملڪ وسيلا وڪڻي هٿيار خريد ڪندا آهن مظلومن کي ڊيڄارڻ لاِء .
19 صدي ۾ انگريز بهادر هن سرزمين تي پير کوڙيا جن کي هتان وارن هوش محمد شيدي سنڌي جيان ڀرپور مزاحمت ڪئي پر نيٺ انگريز به هتي وڻ وسايا .انگريزن هن خطي کي گولڊڪوسٽ ۽ ٽوگولينڊ جو نالو ڏئي ڪالوني بڻايو .
گهانا 06 مارچ 1957 تي انگريز کان آزادي ماڻي .
گهانا . پراڻو نالو گولڊڪوسٽ نئون نالو گهانا
گادي جو هنڌ . عقراِء
آبادي . 33107275 پلس ماڻهو
ايراضي . 238 535 چورس ڪلوميٽر
سامونڊي ڪنارو . 11000 چورس ڪلوميٽر
پاڙيسري ملڪ . آئيوري ڪوسٽ ۽ برڪينافاسو
مذهب عيسائيت
انگريزي سرڪاري
قومي ڏينهن .06 مارچ
هيڊآف اسٽيٽ صدر
هيڊ آف گورنمينٽ صدر
حڪومت . آئيني جمهوريت
وڏا شهر . عقره . ٽيما ۽ ٽيڪوراڊي ڪماسي.ڪيپ ڪوسٽ
تعليمي شرح .79 سيڪڙو .
وڏي چوٽي . جبل افڊيٽ 855 ميٽر
هيٺاهون هنڌ ائٽلانٽڪ سمنڊ .
وڻج واپار 30 ارب ڊالر ۽ شامل ائٽم . سون 11 ارب ڊالر
تيل 6 ارب ڊالر . ڪوڪوئا بينز ميگنيز .ڊائمنڊ ڪاٺ مڇي رٻڙ لوڻ چن جو پٿر شامل آهن .
ڪوامي نڪروما ادب جو عالمي ايوارڊ به ماڻيو ۽ ملڪ جو پهريون سربراهه به بڻيو . ان بعد ڪوفي عنان اقوام متحده جو جنرل سيڪريٽري هيو .
آفريقا جنهن لاِء مشهور آهي ته هي اونداهون کنڊ آهي پر ان جي ملڪن جي ترقي ڏسي چئي سگهجي ٿي ته اونداهين ۾ هتان جا خطا آهن پر هي روشن ملڪ ۽ کنڊ آهن . .
جاويدحالتي گهانا آفريقا
ڳوٺ فريدآباد لاڙڪاڻو .سنڌ
Sunday, September 18, 2022
Janna Jihad is a teenage girl who has grown up in the Palestinian village of Nabi Salih, located north of Ramallah city in the West Bank. It is part of Palestinian territory that has been under Israel’s military occupation since 1967.
Janna, and Palestinian children like her, are denied their rights and face discrimination on a daily basis. The Israeli army regularly arrests children from Janna’s village, often during raids on their homes in the middle of the night while families are asleep. Children struggle to access their rights to education and freedom of movement because of barriers and checkpoints which force delays on any journey. It can take hours to get to school instead of a few minutes. People find it hard to travel for work and to earn a living to support their families. For anyone who is sick, it can be nearly impossible to get to a hospital.
In 2009, when Janna was three, her community used their right to peaceful protest and began weekly demonstrations. But they were met with violence. When she was seven, Janna’s uncle and her friend were killed by the Israeli military. Janna used her mother’s phone to record what was happening and reveal the truth. By the time she was a teenager, her live videos were being watched by hundreds of thousands of people around the world. In 2018, Janna became the youngest press card-carrying journalist in the world, at the age of 12. Yet she has faced many threats for her work.I started journalism at the age of seven because I wanted the whole world to know what is happening here and how we live in fear and uncertainty. I want a normal life, a normal childhood.
Janna JihadSunday, May 15, 2022
Biography of Elizabeth of York, Queen of England February 11, 1466–February 11, 1503
Biography of Elizabeth of York, Queen of England
Elizabeth of York (February 11, 1466–February 11, 1503) was a key figure in Tudor history and in the Wars of the Roses. She was the daughter of Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville; Queen of England and Queen Consort of Henry VII; and the mother of Henry VIII, Mary Tudor, and Margaret Tudor, the only woman in history to have been daughter, sister, niece, wife, and mother to English kings.
Early Life
Elizabeth of York, known alternatively as Elizabeth Plantagenet, was born on February 11, 1466, at Westminster Palace in London, England. She was the eldest of the nine children of Edward IV, king of England (ruled 1461–1483) and his wife Elizabeth Woodville (sometimes spelled Wydeville). Her parents' marriage had created trouble, and her father was briefly deposed in 1470. By 1471, likely challengers to her father's
Medieval Women of History
Medieval Women of History

An index to biographies on this site of notable women who lived about 500 through about 1600 -- including the Middle Ages, the European Renaissance and the Tudor period in British history.
- Adelaide (931 - 999): saint, Western empress, regent
- Aelfgifu (~ 985 - 1002?): first wife of King Aethelred II "the Unready"
- Aelfled: same as Aethelflaed below
- Aelfthryth (877 - 929): princess, countess, genealogical link of Anglo Saxon kings to Anglo Norman dynasty, daughter of Alfred the Great
Berengaria of Navarre: Queen Consort to Richard I: The Queen Who Never Saw Her Realm:
Berengaria of Navarre: Queen Consort to Richard I: The Queen Who Never Saw Her Realm:
Berengaria was the daughter of King Sancho VI of Navarre, called Sancho the wise, and Blanche of Castile.
Richard I of England had been betrothed to Princess Alice of France, sister of King Phillip IV. But Richard's father, Henry II, had made Alice his mistress, and church rules, therefore, forbid the marriage of Alice and Richard.
Berengaria was chosen as wife to Richard I by Richard's mother, Eleanor of Aquitaine. The marriage with Berengaria would bring a dowry that would help Richard finance his efforts in the Third Crusade.
Eleanor, though almost 70 years old, traveled over the Pyrenees to escort Berengaria to Sicily. In Sicily, Eleanor's daughter and Richard's sister, Joan of England, embarked with Berengaria to join Richard in the Holy Land.
- Dates: Born 1163? 1165?
Married May 12, 1191, to Richard I of EnglandDied December 23, 1230
Civil War General J.E.B. Stuart (1833-1864)
Civil War General J.E.B. Stuart (1833-1864)
There’s a special place in the Confederate pantheon for J.E.B. Stuart because he personified one of the archetypes of the South—the gay cavalier, who mocked danger, flirted with women, kept prayer book in hand, knew horseflesh, loved racing, and responded to the plink of a banjo. Stuart not only kept a banjo player with him throughout his campaigns, he actually stole the best banjo player in the Confederate army from another unit and
Monday, April 4, 2022
Martin Luther King, Jr. American religious leader and civil-rights activist
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Martin Luther King, Jr., original name Michael King, Jr., (born January 15, 1929, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.—died April 4, 1968, Memphis, Tennessee), Baptist minister and social activist who led the civil rights movement in the United States from the mid-1950s until his death by assassination in 1968. His leadership was fundamental to that movement’s success in ending the legal segregation of African Americans in the South and other parts of the United States. King rose to national prominence as head of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, which promoted nonviolent tactics, such as the massive March on Washington (1963), to achieve civil rights. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. King came from a comfortable middle-class family steeped in the tradition of the Southern Black ministry: both his father and maternal grandfather were Baptist preachers. His parents were college-educated, and King’s father had succeeded his father-in-law as pastor of the prestigious Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta. The family lived on Auburn Avenue, otherwise known as “Sweet Auburn,” the bustling “Black Wall Street,” home to some of the country’s largest and most prosperous Black businesses and Black churches in the years before the civil rights movement. Young Martin received a solid education and grew up in a loving extended family.
This secure upbringing, however, did not prevent King from experiencing the prejudices then common in the South. He never forgot the time when, at about age six, one of his white playmates announced that his parents would no longer allow him to play with King, because the children were now attending segregated schools. Dearest to King in these early years was his maternal grandmother, whose death in 1941 left him shaken and unstable. Upset because he had learned of her fatal heart attack while attending a parade without his parents’ permission, the 12-year-old King attempted suicide by jumping from a second-story window.
In 1944, at age 15, King entered Morehouse College in Atlanta under a special wartime program intended to boost enrollment by admitting promising high-school students like King. Before beginning college, however, King spent the summer on a tobacco farm in Connecticut; it was his first extended stay away from home and his first substantial experience of race relations outside the segregated South. He was shocked by how peacefully the races mixed in the North. “Negroes and whites go [to] the same church,” he noted in a letter to his parents. “I never [thought] that a person of my race could eat anywhere.” This summer experience in the North only deepened King’s growing hatred of racial segregation.
At Morehouse, King favoured studies in medicine and law, but these were eclipsed in his senior year by a decision to enter the ministry, as his father had urged. King’s mentor at Morehouse was the college president, Benjamin Mays, a social gospel activist whose rich oratory and progressive ideas had left an indelible imprint on King’s father. Committed to fighting racial inequality, Mays accused the African American community of complacency in the face of oppression, and he prodded the Black church into social action by criticizing its emphasis on the hereafter instead of the here and now; it was a call to service that was not lost on the teenage King. He graduated from Morehouse in 1948.
King spent the next three years at Crozer Theological Seminary in Chester, Pennsylvania, where he became acquainted with Mohandas Gandhi’s philosophy of nonviolence as well as with the thought of contemporary Protestant theologians. He earned a bachelor of divinity degree in 1951. Renowned for his oratorical skills, King was elected president of Crozer’s student body, which was composed almost exclusively of white students. As a professor at Crozer wrote in a letter of recommendation for King, “The fact that with our student body largely Southern in constitution a colored man should be elected to and be popular [in] such a position is in itself no mean recommendation.” From Crozer, King went to Boston University, where, in seeking a firm foundation for his own theological and ethical inclinations, he studied man’s relationship to God and received a doctorate (1955) for a dissertation titled “A Comparison of the Conceptions of God in the Thinking of Paul Tillich and Henry Nelson Wieman.”
Wednesday, March 30, 2022
10 countries where the highest rates of prostitution
Those 10 countries where the highest rates of prostitution are
1. Thailand (Buddhism)
2. Denmark (Christian)
3. Italy (Christian)
4. Germany (Christian)
5. France (Christian)
6. Norway (Christian)
7. Belgium (Christian)
8. Spain (Christian)
9 America (Christian)
10. Finland (Christian)
The 10 countries with the highest rates of theft and robbery.
1. Denmark & Finland (Christian)
2. Zimbabwe (Christian)
3. Australia (Christian)
4. Canada (Christian)
5. New Zealand (Christian)
6. India (Hindu)
7. England (Christian)
8. America (Christian)
9 Sweden (Christian)
10. South Africa (Christian)
The 10 countries with the highest number of alcoholic beverages.
1. Moldova (Christian)
2. Belarus (Christian)
3. Lithuania (Christian)
4. Russia (Communist + Christian)
5. Czech Republic (Christian)
6. Ukraine (Christian)
7. Andorra (Christian)
8. Romania (Christian)
9 Serbia (Christian)
10. Australia (Christian)
The 10 countries where murder rates are highest.
1. Honduras (Christian)
2. Venezuela (Christian)
3. Belize (Christian)
4. El Sodor (Christian)
5. Guatemala (Christian)
6. South Africa (Christian)
7. St. Kitts and Nevis (Christian)
8. Bahamas (Christian)
9 Lesotho (Christian)
10. Jamaica (Christian)
Names of dangerous bullying groups in the world
1. Yakuza (non-Muslim)
2. Eggers (Christian)
3. Wah Sing (Christian)
4. Jamaica Posey (Christian)
5. Primrose (Christian)
6. Aryan Brotherhood (Christian)
7. Blood (Christian)
8. 18th Street Gang (Christian)
9 Mangkai (Christian)
10. Mara Salarotha (Christian)
The world's largest drug trafficking mafia
1. Pablo Escobar - Colombia (Christian)
2. Amado Carrillo Fuentes - Mexico (Christian)
3. Carlos Lehder - German (Christian)
4. Griselda Blanco - Colombia (Christian)
5. Jونkونn Guzm-n (Joaquín Guzmán) Mexico (Christian)
6. Rafael Caro (Rafael Caro Quintero) Mexico (Christian)
However, Western and Eastern media say:
Islam is the cause of all kinds of terrorism in the world
Because of this, many simple and ignorant Muslims also believe in these baseless and hollow claims. Do not let others control your thinking and intellect
Be proud of your religion Islam Islam is the true religion teaching prosperity, security and peace.
Student prayer Dr. Shabbir Ahmed Siddiqui Skin Specialist
set theory, it was a mathematical concept that used to tell what a set is, George Cantor's "Set Theory" and "The Number Game"
'set theory', it was a mathematical concept that used to tell what a set is,
George Cantor's "Set Theory" and "The Number Game"
In school time we were taught 'set theory', it was a mathematical concept that used to tell what a set is, who would say a subset, for example, if there were fifty children in a group, we would say it was fifty children. Is the set of The theory starts with such simple examples but becomes so complex that the brain stops shaking. The inventor of this theory was German mathematician George Cantor. Canter proved that the largest 'cardinal number' is not something that cannot be found. A number is a real number that provides the answer to a question. For example, if we count a passenger on a bus and the answer is twenty, then 20 would be called real. On the contrary, if you start counting the vehicles passing by the Motorway Tool Plaza at six o'clock in the morning that this is the first car, this is the second and this third you will say one, two, three, four, five - and this is normal. According to Kantor's theory, a set of real numbers can be created, this set can be limited and unlimited. For example, the set of natural and real numbers will be called unlimited. Canter proved that sets of real numbers have higher numbers than natural numbers. For those who do not know the difference between natural and real numbers, it is enough to know that one, two, three, four, five, six etc. are called natural numbers, whereas in addition to the natural numbers, the negative one, the negative two, Negative three are also included. As we can say, the set of natural numbers is a subset of real numbers. This was the first proof of the actual numbers that Cantor presented. The second proof was that not every natural
Saturday, January 1, 2022
Binomial nomenclature
Binomial nomenclature


In taxonomy, binomial nomenclature ("two-term naming system"), also called binominal nomenclature ("two-name naming system") or binary nomenclature, is a formal system of naming species of living things by giving each a name composed of two parts, both of which use Latin grammatical forms, although they can be based on words from other languages. Such a name is called a binomial name (which may be shortened to just "binomial"), a binomen, binominal name or a scientific name; more informally it is also called a Latin name.
The first part of the name – the generic name – identifies the genus to which the species belongs, whereas the second part – the specific name or specific epithet – distinguishes the species within the genus. For example, modern humans belong to the genus Homo and within this genus to the species Homo sapiens. Tyrannosaurus rex is probably the most widely known binomial.[1] The formal introduction of this system of naming species is credited to Carl Linnaeus, effectively beginning with his work Species Plantarum in 1753.[2] But as early as 1622, Gaspard Bauhin introduced in his book Pinax theatri botanici (English, Illustrated exposition of plants) many names of genera that were later adopted by Linnaeus.[3]
The application of binomial nomenclature is now governed by various internationally agreed codes of rules, of which the two most important are the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) for animals and the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (ICNafp). Although the general principles underlying binomial nomenclature are common to these two codes, there are some differences, both in terminology they use and in their particular rules.
In modern usage, the first letter of the generic name is always capitalized in writing, while that of the specific epithet is not, even when derived from a proper noun such as the name of a person or place. Similarly, both parts are italicized in normal text (or underlined in handwriting). Thus the binomial name of the annual phlox (named after botanist Thomas Drummond) is now written as Phlox drummondii. Often, after a species name is introduced in a text, the generic name is abbreviated to the first letter in subsequent mentions (e. g., P. drummondii).
Wednesday, December 30, 2020
Philosophy (from Greek: φιλοσοφία, philosophia, 'love of wisdom')[1][2][3] is the study of general and fundamental questions, such as those about reason, existence, knowledge, values, mind, and language.[4][5] Such questions are often posed as problems[6][7] to be studied or resolved. The term was probably coined by Pythagoras (c. 570 – c. 495 BCE). Philosophical methods include questioning, critical discussion, rational argument, and systematic presentation.[8][9][i]
Historically, philosophy encompassed all bodies of knowledge and a practitioner was known as a philosopher.[10] From the time of Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle to the 19th century, "natural philosophy" encompassed astronomy, medicine, and physics.[11] For example, Newton's 1687 Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy later became classified as a book of physics.
In the 19th century, the growth of modern research universities led academic philosophy and other disciplines to professionalize and specialize.[12][13] Since then, various areas of investigation that were traditionally part of philosophy have become separate academic disciplines, such as psychology, sociology, linguistics, and economics.
Today, major subfields of academic philosophy include metaphysics, which is concerned with the fundamental nature of existence and reality; epistemology, which studies the nature of knowledge and belief; ethics, which is concerned with moral value; and logic, which studies the rules of inference that allow one to deduce conclusions from true premises.[14][15] Other notable subfields
Class Five - 5 Sindhi all lessons solved Exercises along with Question and Answers according to STB syllabus
MCQs PAKISTAN PENAL CODE 1860 1. Pakistan Penal Code, 1860 was enacted on ________ A. ...
Code Of Criminal Procedure 1898 PAKISTAN 1. The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 was passed or enacted on ...
Class Four - 4 Sindhi all lessons solved Exercises along with Question and Answers according to STB syllabus
MCQs Code of Civil Procedure 1908 Pakistan Part-I 1. The Code of law which deals with Courts of Civil Judicature i...
MCQs Constitution of Pakistan 1973 enforced on 14 August 1973 as said as By-Cameral law in Pakistan 1. Constitution of 197...
Reading Comprehension Passages with Q&A Passage Philosophy of Education is a label applied to the study of the purpose, process, natu...
Qanun-e-Shahadat, 1984 PAKISTAN 1. Qanun-e-Shahadat, 1984 was made by the President on _______ A....
US-AID announced 13000 vacant posts of HST, JST, PST, SLT, ALT & non teaching staff for new project named US-AID-SINDH TEACHING PROGRA...