Showing posts with label Persons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Persons. Show all posts

Saturday, December 17, 2022

X Generation 1961 to 1993 audio caste to andriod mobile and airopkanes

 جتنے لوگ 1961 سے 1993 کے درمیان پیدا ہوئے انہیں جنریشن ایکس کہا جاتا پے

کہتے ہیں دنیا میں سب سے بڑی اور سب سے زیادہ تبدیلیاں جنریشن ایکس نے ہی دیکھیں ہیں

 وی سی آر کی آمد سے لیکر اسکی ناپیدی تک آڈیو کیسٹ سے لیکر

 یو ایس پی سٹیک تک

 بلیک اینڈ وائٹ نشریات سے رنگین ڈیجیٹل سمارٹ ٹی وی تک

 ڈائل گھما کر ملانے والے پرانے ٹیلی فون سے لیکر جدید ترین سمارٹ فون تک پتنگ بازی سے لیکر ڈرون جہاز تک بلیک اینڈ وائٹ تصویروں سے لیکر ہائی ڈیفینیشن امیج تک

اپنے سینوں میں عروج و زوال تغیر و تبدیلی کی ہزاروں داستانیں چھپائے ہوئے انسانوں کی یہ جنریشن بڑی قیمتی ہے

ہم سب میں سے جو ایکس جنریشن میں سے ہیں بہت قیمتی ہیں.

Friday, December 16, 2022

Muhammad Sharif Kalhoro SP Khairpur and Farah Amanullah Assistant Commissioner

 هاري جو پُٽ اي ايس پي.....!!

خيرپور ضلع جي پير ڳوٺ احمدپور لڳ ڳوٺ محمد يوسف ڪلهوڙو ڳوٺ جو رهواسي محمد شريف ڪلهوڙو سڀني غريبن ۽ مسڪين نوجوان لاءِ هڪ مثالي ڪردار آهي.....!!

محمد شريف ڪلهوڙو جو تعلق انتهائي غريب خاندان سان آهي, سندس جي گهر ۾ ڪوئي به پڙهيل لکيل ناهي, سندس والد هاري ۽ سندس ڀاءُ پوليس ۾ سپاهي آهي, سندس جي والدين کيس پڙهائي ۾ هوشيار ڏسي کيس همٿايو ۽ شريف ڪلهوڙي 2008 ۾ ڪيڊٽ ڪاليج لاڙڪاڻي اسڪالرشپ وسيلي داخلا ورتي ۽ ڪيڊٽ ڪيپٽن پڻ بڻيو ڪاليج اندر, آرمي ۾ بطور سيڪنڊ ليفٽينٽ لاءِ ٻه داخلا ٽيسٽ ڏنائين پر ناڪام رهيو ۽ جي سي يونيورسٽي لاهور ۾ داخلا ورتائين, غريب خاندان جي هن نوجوان يونيورسٽي ۾ پڙهڻ سان گڏ اتي رهندڙ شاگردن کي ٽيوشن ڏئي پئيسا ڪمائي پنهنجو خرچ پورو ڪندو هو..

2018 ۾ سي ايس ايس جي امتحان جي هڪ پيپر اسلامڪ اسٽڊيز ۾ فيل ٿي پر 2019 ۾ سي ايس ايس جي امتحان ۾ پاڪستان 26 پوزيشن ۽ سنڌ ۾ 3 پوزيشن ماڻي پاڪستان جي پوليس سروسز ۾ اي ايس پي بڻجي ويو....

محمد شريف ڪلهوڙي گذريل سان اسٽنٽ ڪمشنر فرحا امان الله شادي پڻ ڪئي آهي....!!

محمد شريف ڪلهوڙو هن وقت بلوچستان  copied ڪچلاڪ ۾ ايس ايس پي لڳل آهي...

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Fuse Bulb and Retired officer Government Servant

 فیوز بلب 

 ایک ہاؤسنگ سوسائٹی میں رہائش کے لئے ایک بڑا افسر آیا ، جو تازہ تازہ ریٹائر ہوا تھا

 یہ بوڑھا بڑا ریٹائرڈ افسر  حیران اور پریشان ، ہر شام سوسائٹی پارک میں گھومتا ، دوسروں کو حقارت کی نگاہ سے دیکھتا اور کسی سے بات نہیں کرتا تھا -

  ایک دن وہ شام کے وقت ایک بزرگ کے پاس باتیں کرنے کے لئے بیٹھ گیا اور پھر اس کے ساتھ تقریبا" روزانہ بیٹھنے لگا۔  اس کی گفتگو کا ہمیشہ ایک ہی موضوع رہتا تھا۔  "میں اتنا بڑا افسر تھا جس کا کوئی تصور بھی نہیں کرسکتا اور نہ پوچھ سکتا ہے ، یہاں میں مجبوری وغیرہ میں آیا ہوں۔"  اور وہ بزرگ اس کی باتیں سکون سے سنتے تھے۔

 ایک دن جب "ریٹائرڈ" افسر نے دوسرے ساتھی کے بارے میں کچھ جاننے کی خواہش کی تو اس بزرگ نے بڑی انکساری کے ساتھ اسے جواب دے کر دانشمندی کی بات بتائی -

 اس نے وضاحت کی:-

 "ریٹائرمنٹ کے بعد  ہم سب فیوز بلب کی طرح ہو جاتے ہیں اس کی اب کوئی اہمیت نہیں رہتی کہ یہ بلب کتنی وولٹیج کا تھا ، کتنی روشنی اور چمک دیتا تھا ، فیوز ہونے کے بعد اس بات سے کوئی فرق نہیں پڑتا ۔

  انہوں نے جاری رکھتے ہوئے کہا کہ "میں گذشتہ 5 سالوں سے سوسائٹی میں رہ رہا ہوں اور کسی کو یہ نہیں بتایا کہ میں دو بار پارلیمنٹ کا ممبر رہا ہوں۔  یہاں ایک اور صاحب ہیں وہ ریلوے کے جنرل منیجر تھے ، یہاں گلزار صاحب ہیں فوج میں بریگیڈیئر تھے ، پھر ندیم صاحب ہیں جو ایک کمپنی کے کنٹری ہیڈ تھے ، انہوں نے یہ باتیں کسی کو نہیں بتائی ، حتی کہ مجھے بھی نہیں ، لیکن ہم سب جانتے ہیں۔

 "فیوز کے تمام بلب اب ایک جیسے ہیں - چاہے وہ صفر واٹ ، 40 ، 60 ، 100 واٹ ، ہلوجن ہو یا فلڈ لائٹ کے ہوں ، اب کوئی روشنی نہیں دیتا اور بے فائدہ ہیں۔  اور ہاں اس بات کی آپ کو جس دن سمجھ آجائے گی ، آپ معاشرے میں سکون  زندگی گزار سکیں گے۔

  ہمارے ہاں طلوع اور غروب آفتاب کو یکساں احترام دیا جاتا ہے ، لیکن اصل زندگی میں  ہم طلوع آفتاب کی قدر زیادہ کرتے ہیں جتنی جلدی ہم اس کو سمجھیں گے اتنا جلد ہی ہماری زندگی آسان ہوجائے گی۔

لہذا فیوز بلب ہونے سے پہلے ۔۔۔۔۔۔

جتنی بھی خیر کی زیادہ سے زیادہ روشنی پھیلا سکتے ہو ۔۔۔۔پھیلا دو۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔تاکہ کل کو جب اندھیرے کمرے میں جا و ۔۔۔۔تو یہی روشنی کام آئے۔۔۔۔۔

ورنہ جانا تو ہے ۔۔۔۔۔

Monday, December 12, 2022

Story writer Mushtaque Kamlani Sindh Sijawal, Thatha

 یہ کسی عام فقیر کی تصویر نہیں بلکہ سجاول تحصیل ٹھٹہ (سندھ) سے تعلق رکھنے والے مشہور و معروف کہانی نویس اور ناول نگار محترم مشتاق کاملانی صاحب ہیں۔ کاملانی صاحب سندھ یونیورسٹی جامشورو کے ذہین ترین طالب علموں میں سے ایک تھے۔ مشتاق احمد کاملانی صاحب فر فر انگریزی بولتے ہیں، فارسی، پنجابی اور اردو تو جیسے آپ کی مادری زبانیں ہوں

 ان کی لکھی ہوئی کہانیاں آل انڈیا ریڈیو اور آکاشوانی پر بھی چلتی رہیں مشتاق احمد کاملانی صاحب نے اپنے افسانے “گونگی بارش” اور “چپٹا لہو” لکھ کر سندھی افسانے نگاری میں وہ نام پیدا کیا کہ دیکھتے ہی دیکھتے اس کا نام کہانی اور افسانہ نگاروں کی صفحہ اول میں شمار ہونے لگا. 

کاملانی صاحب نے اپنا ناول “رولو” عین گریجویشن کے امتحاں کے دوران ہی لکھا تھا۔ جنرل ضیاء الحق مرحوم کے مارشل لاء کے زمانے میں ایک کہانی “گھٹی ہوئی فضا” کے نام سے بھی لکھی ہے۔

اس نامور ادیب کے چھوٹے سے گھر پر قبضہ کیا گیا ہے اور اب یہ سالوں سے دن کے وقت ٹھٹہ کی گلیوں میں اور رات کو سجاول کے بس سٹاپ پر بھیک مانگتے ہوئے دکھائی دیتے ہیں۔ کہتے ہیں کہ کاملانی صاحب کے چہرے پر آپ کو بیک وقت دو مخالف کیفیتیں دیکھنے کو ملیں گے، یعنی آنکھوں میں آنسو، اور ہونٹوں پر تمام انسانیت پر طنزیہ مسکراہٹ…

خدارا ! مشتاق کاملانی صاحب کے ساتھ ہو رہے ظلم کے خلاف آواز اٹھائیے ورنہ مشتاق کاملانی صاحب کے ذیل کے اس جملے پر ہی عمل کر لیجیئے جو انھوں نے ایک کہانی میں لکھا ہے۔

"اگر خدا نے تمہارے منہ میں زبان رکھی ہے اور اسے سچ کہنے کے لیے اس کا استعمال نہیں کرتے، تو ایک احسان کرو، اسے کٹوالو… اور ہاں! جہاں اتنی محنت ہوگی، وہاں ایک کام اور بھی کروا لینا… اپنی یہ ناک بھی کٹوا دینا…، انسانیت کو تم پر کم از کم شرم تو نہ آسکے۔"


Colors of Pakistan

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Banana Crop in Hyderabad Sindh Pakistan and its benefits

 #ڪيلي جي ٿڙ جا ڌاڳا ۽ انھن مان ٺھندڙ شيون.

 پاڪستان ۾ ڪيلي جي پوکي 90,000 کان 100,000 ايڪڙن تي مشتمل آهي.  جنهن مان هر سال اٽڪل هڪ لک ملين ٽن ڪيلو حاصل ٿين ٿا.  

ڪيلي جا وڻ هڪ ڀيرو ميوو ڏيندا آهن.  پاڪستان سراسري طور ڏھ ٽن ڪيلا في ايڪڙ پيدا ڪري ٿو، جڏهن ته فصل لهڻ کانپوءِ چاليھ ٽن في ايڪڙ باقيات، جنھن ۾ ڪيلي جا پن ۽ ڪاٺ (ٿڙ) رھن ٿا. رڳو ڪيلي جو ڪاٺ 25 ٽن في ايڪڙ تي نڪرندو آھي.

 ڪيلي جو ٿڙ عام لڪڙي جھڙو نہ هوندو آھي، ان ڪري ٻارڻ طور استعمال نه ٿو ڪري سگهجي ۽ ڪيلي جي لاٿ کان پوءِ وڻ جي باقي بچيل شين کي تلف ڪرڻ بہ مسئلو آهي. 

انڪري هن کي اُس ۾ خشڪ ڪري، ساڙي صفائي ڪئي ويندي آھي. جنھن سان ماحولياتي آلودگي بہ وڌي ٿي.

ٻئي طرف ڏسجي تہ، خالق ڪريــم ڪيلي جي ٿڙن ۾ وڏي مقدار ۾ قدرتي مضبوط ڌاڳو رکيو آھي، جنهن جي صنعت کي موسي ٽيڪسٽائل سڏيو ويندو آهي. ٿڙ مان ڌاڳو ڪڍڻ بلڪل آسان آھي. 

ڪمند جو جو رس ڪڍڻ واري سادي مشين تہ سڀني ڏٺي ھوندي. ان سان ملندڙ جلندڙ ننڍڙي مشين آھي جنھن کي ريسپاڊرو مشين سڏجي ٿو. جنھن جي مدد سان ڪٽيل ٿڙ جي تھ کي مشين مان گذاري ڌاڳو ۽ ڳر (گودو) الڳ ڪيو وڃي ٿو.

 توهان اهو ٻڌي حيران ٿي ويندا ته دنيا ۾ ساليانو هڪ لک ٽن ڌاڳو موسي ٽيڪسٽائل ذريعي پيدا ڪيو ويندو آهي. عالمي منڊي جي حساب سان، انهي ڌاڳي جي قيمت تقريبن پاڪستاني ڪرنسي ۾ 100 روپيہ  في ڪلو  آھي. جنھن جو مطلب هڪ عام مزدور هڪ ڏينهن ۾ پندرهن کان ويهه ڪلو ڌاڳو آساني سان  ڪڍي سگهي ٿو. يعني 1500 کان 2000 ڏھاڙي.

ريسپارڊون مشين  ۾ ٻہ لوهي رولر ۽ ھڪ ننڍي موٽر لڳل هوندي آهي، جيڪڏهن هي مشين مقامي طريقي سان تيار ڪئي وڃي، تہ خرچ چاليھ/پنجاھ هزار کان مٿي نہ ايندو. ان کانسواءِ لاھور ۽ پنجاب جي ٻين شھرن ۾ بہ اھا مشين دستياب آھي. اهڙي نموني  هڪ ماڻھو چاليهه کان پنجاھ هزار روپين جي سيڙپڪاري سان روزانو ٻه هزار ڪمائي سگهي ٿو.

      ڪيلي جي ٿڙ مان حاصل ڪيل اھو ڌاڳو گهڻو مضبوط، لچڪدار ۽ نرم ٿيندو آهي. هن ڌاڳي مان گھريلو استعمال جا ڪپڙا، ڪرسين ۽ ميزن جا پوش، رومال، ٽشو، ٻارن جا ڪپڙا، دستڪاري، توريون، مسلا ۽ ٻيون اهڙيون ڪيتريون ئــي  شيون ٺاهڻ لاءِ استعمال ڪيو ويندو آهي.  ھي ڪم ماحول دوست ۽ سستو متبادل پڻ آهي.  اهو ڌاڳو فلپائن ، انڊيا ، ويٽنام ۽ ويسٽ انڊين ملڪن ۾ تمام گهڻو مشهور آهي.  پر وطنِ عزيز ۾ ماڻهو اڃا مڪمل طور تي ان کان اڻ واقف آهن.

   مزي جي ڳالهه اها آهي جو ڌاڳو ڪڍڻ کان پوءِ ٿڙن مان تمام گھڻو رس ۽ ڳر (گودو) بہ نڪري ٿو. جنھن کي سرن سان ٺھيل حوض ۾ گڏ ڪري طاقتور مرڪبن سان ڀرپور قدرتي ڀاڻ حاصل ڪري سگھجي ٿو.

 ٿڙ جي ڳر ۾ ڪجھ ڪيميائي مرڪب ملائي اعليٰ قسم جو ڪيميائي ڀاڻ ٺاھي وڪڻڻ بہ منافع بخش ڪاروبار ثابت ٿي سگھي ٿو، ان سلسلي ۾ ماھرن جي رھنمائي وٺڻ ضروري آھي.ان کان علاوه جمع ٿيل ڳر کي مخصوص مرحلن مان گذاري پلپ، ھلڪي معيار جو ڪاغذ ۽ پيڪنگ لاءِ استعمال ٿيندڙ ٻيو سامان بہ ٺاھي سگھجي ٿو. 

 ڳالھ ھتي ختم نٿي ٿئي.  ڪيلي جي ڇلڙن کي ڊسپوزيبل برتن ٺاهڻ جي لاءِ استعمال ڪيو ويندو آهي، جيڪي پلاسٽڪ ۽ اسٽائيرين جي برتن کان وڌيڪ ماحول دوست ۽ غير نقصانڪار هوندا آهن.  

ڊسپوزيبل برتن ٺاهڻ جي لاءِ هڪ ننڍڙو سانچو ۽ ڊائي جي ضرورت هوندي آهي. جنهن ۾ تھن کي ڪٽي ۽ دٻائي ڪا شڪل ڏبي آھي. انھيءَ دوران ڊائي ۾ ٿوري گرمي پڻ مهيا ڪئي وئي آھي.  ڊسپوزيبل برتن ٻنهي سڪل ۽ ساون پنن ۽ ٿڙن مان ٺاهيا وڃن ٿا.

 جيڪڏهن اسان حيدرآباد ۽ ڀرپاسي وارن علائقن ۾ جتي ڪيلي جو فصل پيدا ڪيو وڃي ٿو، هڪ ادارو قائم ڪري ماڻهن کي تربيت ڏيون، تہ يقيني طور تي ڇڏيل ۽ ڪيلي جي بقاياجات هڪ منافع بخش نعمت ثابت ٿي سگهي ٿي، اھڙي طرح خوشحالي آڻي سگهجي ٿي ۽ ماڻهن جي زندگين جو معيار بلند ڪري سگهجي ٿو

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Human and Earth as researched by Doctor Eles Silver Amrican Ecologist

Human and Earth as researched by Doctor Eles Silver Amrican Ecologist
 انسان زمینی مخلوق نہیں ھے: 
امریکی ایکولوجسٹ ڈاکٹر ایلس سِلور کی تہلکہ خیز ریسرچ: 
ارتقاء (Evolution) کے نظریات کا جنازہ اٹھ گیا: 
ارتقائی سائنسدان لا جواب: 

انسان زمین کا ایلین ہے ۔ 

ڈاکٹر ایلیس سِلور(Ellis Silver)نے اپنی کتاب (Humans are not from Earth)  میں تہلکہ خیز دعوی کیا ہے کہ انسان اس سیارے زمین کا اصل رہائشی  نہیں ہے بلکہ اسے کسی دوسرے سیارے پر تخلیق کیا گیا اور کسی وجہ سے اس کے اصل سیارے سے اس کے موجودہ رہائشی سیارے زمین پر پھینک دیا گیا۔

ڈاکٹر ایلیس جو کہ ایک سائنسدان محقق مصنف اور امریکہ کا نامور ایکالوجسٹ(Ecologist)ھے اس کی کتاب میں اس کے الفاظ پر غور کیجئیے۔ زھن میں رھے کہ یہ الفاظ ایک سائنسدان کے ہیں جو کسی مذھب پر یقین نہیں رکھتا۔ 

اس کا کہنا ھے کہ انسان جس ماحول میں پہلی بار تخلیق کیا گیا اور جہاں یہ رھتا رھا ھے وہ سیارہ  ،  وہ جگہ اس قدر آرام دہ پرسکون اور مناسب ماحول والی تھی جسے  وی وی آئی پی کہا جا سکتا ھے وہاں پر انسان بہت ھی نرم و نازک ماحول میں رھتا تھا اس کی نازک مزاجی اور آرام پرست طبیعت سے معلوم ھوتا ھے کہ اسے  اپنی روٹی روزی کے لئے کچھ بھی تردد نہین کرنا پڑتا تھا ، یہ کوئی بہت ہی لاڈلی مخلوق تھی جسے اتنی لگژری لائف میسر  تھی ۔  ۔ وہ ماحول ایسا تھا جہاں سردی اور گرمی کی بجائے بہار جیسا موسم رھتا تھا اور وہاں پر سورج جیسے خطرناک ستارے کی تیز دھوپ اور الٹراوائلیٹ

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Galileo’s Copernicanism


Galileo’s Copernicanism

Galileo’s increasingly overt Copernicanism began to cause trouble for him. In 1613 he wrote a letter to his student Benedetto Castelli (1577–1644) in Pisa about the problem of squaring the Copernican theory with certain biblical passages. Inaccurate copies of this letter were sent by Galileo’s enemies to the Inquisition in Rome, and he had to retrieve the letter and send an accurate copy. Several Dominican fathers in Florence lodged complaints against Galileo in Rome, and Galileo went to Rome to defend the Copernican cause and his good name. Before leaving, he finished an expanded version of the letter to Castelli, now 

Galileo Galilei: sunspots

addressed to the grand duke’s mother and good friend of Galileo, the dowager Christina. In his Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina, Galileo discussed the problem of interpreting biblical passages with regard to scientific discoveries but, except for one example, did not actually interpret the Bible. That task had been reserved for approved theologians in the wake of the Council of Trent (1545–63) and the beginning of the Catholic Counter-Reformation. But the tide in Rome was turning against the Copernican theory, and in 1615, when the cleric Paolo Antonio Foscarini (c. 1565–1616) published a book arguing that the Copernican theory did not conflict with scripture, Inquisition consultants examined the question and pronounced the Copernican theory heretical. Foscarini’s book was banned, as were some more technical and nontheological works, such as Johannes Kepler’s Epitome of Copernican AstronomyCopernicus’s own 1543 book, De revolutionibus orbium coelestium libri vi (“Six Books Concerning the Revolutions of the Heavenly Orbs”), was suspended until corrected. Galileo was not mentioned directly in the decree, but he was admonished by Robert Cardinal Bellarmine (1542–1621) not to “hold or defend” the Copernican theory. An improperly prepared document placed in the Inquisition files at this time states that Galileo was admonished “not to hold, teach, or defend” the Copernican theory “in any way whatever, either orally or in writing.”

Telescopic Discoveries


Telescopic Discoveries

At this point, however, Galileo’s career took a dramatic turn. In the spring of 1609 he heard that in the Netherlands an instrument had been invented that showed distant things as though they were nearby. By trial and error, he quickly figured out the secret of the invention and made his own three-powered spyglass from lenses for sale in spectacle makers’ shops. Others had done the same; what set Galileo apart was that he quickly figured out how to improve the instrument, taught himself the art of lens grinding, and produced increasingly powerful telescopes. In August of that year he presented an eight-powered instrument to the Venetian Senate (Padua was in the Venetian Republic). He was rewarded with life tenure and a doubling of his salary. Galileo was now one of the highest-paid professors at the university. In the fall of 1609 Galileo began observing the heavens with instruments that magnified up to 20 times. In December he drew the Moon’s phases as seen through the telescope, showing that the Moon’s surface is not smooth, as had been thought, but is rough and uneven. In January 1610 he discovered four moons revolving around Jupiter. He also found that the telescope showed many more stars than are visible with the naked eye. These discoveries were earthshaking, and Galileo quickly produced a little book, Sidereus Nuncius (The Sidereal Messenger), in which he described them. He dedicated the book to Cosimo II de Medici (1590–1621), the grand duke of his native Tuscany, whom he had tutored in mathematics for several summers, and he named the moons of Jupiter after the Medici family: the Sidera Medicea, or “Medicean Stars.” Galileo was rewarded with an appointment as mathematician and philosopher of the grand duke of Tuscany, and in the fall of 1610 he returned in triumph to his native land.

Two of Galileo's first telescopes; in the Institute and Museum of the History of Science, Florence.

Galileo was now a courtier and lived the life of a gentleman. Before he left Padua he had discovered the puzzling appearance of Saturn, later to be shown as caused by a ring surrounding it, and in Florence he discovered that Venus goes through phases just as the Moon does. Although these discoveries did not prove that Earth is a planet orbiting the Sun, they undermined Aristotelian cosmology: the absolute difference between the corrupt earthly region and the perfect and unchanging heavens was proved wrong by the mountainous surface of the Moon, the moons of Jupiter showed that there had to be more than one centre of motion in the universe, and the phases of Venus showed that it (and, by implicationMercury) revolves around the Sun. As a result, Galileo was confirmed in his belief, which he had probably held for decades but which had not been central to his studies, that the Sun is the centre of the universe and that Earth is a planet, as Copernicus had argued. Galileo’s conversion to Copernicanism would be a key turning point in the Scientific Revolution.

After a brief controversy about floating bodies, Galileo again turned his attention to the heavens and entered a debate with Christoph Scheiner (1573–1650), a German Jesuit and professor of mathematics at Ingolstadt, about the nature of sunspots (of which Galileo was an independent discoverer). This controversy resulted in Galileo’s Istoria e dimostrazioni intorno alle macchie solari e loro accidenti (“History and Demonstrations Concerning Sunspots and Their Properties,” or “Letters on Sunspots”), which appeared in 1613. Against Scheiner, who, in an effort to save the perfection of the Sun, argued that sunspots are satellites of the Sun, Galileo argued that the spots are on or near the Sun’s surface, and he bolstered his argument with a series of detailed engravings of his observations.

Galileo’s Copernicanism

Galileo’s increasingly overt Copernicanism began to cause trouble for him. In 1613 he wrote a letter to his student Benedetto Castelli (1577–1644) in Pisa about the problem of squaring the Copernican theory with certain biblical passages. Inaccurate copies of this letter were sent by Galileo’s enemies to the Inquisition in Rome, and he had to retrieve the letter and send an accurate copy. Several Dominican fathers in Florence lodged complaints against Galileo in Rome, and Galileo went to Rome to defend the Copernican cause and his good name. Before leaving, he finished an expanded version of the letter to Castelli, now 

Galileo Galilei: sunspots

addressed to the grand duke’s mother and good friend of Galileo, the dowager Christina. In his Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina, Galileo discussed the problem of interpreting biblical passages with regard to scientific discoveries but, except for one example, did not actually interpret the Bible. That task had been reserved for approved theologians in the wake of the Council of Trent (1545–63) and the beginning of the Catholic Counter-Reformation. But the tide in Rome was turning against the Copernican theory, and in 1615, when the cleric Paolo Antonio Foscarini (c. 1565–1616) published a book arguing that the Copernican theory did not conflict with scripture, Inquisition consultants examined the question and pronounced the Copernican theory heretical. Foscarini’s book was banned, as were some more technical and nontheological works, such as Johannes Kepler’s Epitome of Copernican AstronomyCopernicus’s own 1543 book, De revolutionibus orbium coelestium libri vi (“Six Books Concerning the Revolutions of the Heavenly Orbs”), was suspended until corrected. Galileo was not mentioned directly in the decree, but he was admonished by Robert Cardinal Bellarmine (1542–1621) not to “hold or defend” the Copernican theory. An improperly prepared document placed in the Inquisition files at this time states that Galileo was admonished “not to hold, teach, or defend” the Copernican theory “in any way whatever, either orally or in writing.”

Krishnadevaraya Ascends the Throne

 Krishnadevaraya Ascends the Throne

The day of 26th July is the most important day in the History of India. On 26th July 1509, Kirshnadevaraya the most valiant king of the Empire ascended the throne marking the marking the beginning of the regeneration of the Vijayanagara Empire.
August 8, 1509: Krishnadevaraya is crowned Emperor of Vijayanagara |  Knappily

He was born in 1471 at Hampi, Karnataka to Narasa Nayaka – the army commander of the Saluva Dynasty and the founder of the Tuluva Dynasty. The period he was born into was the gloomiest period in the history of Vijayanagara. When he came to power Vijayanagar was merely a kingdom with small boundaries and many internal issues as well as external threats.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

1995 7,000 Bosnian Muslim men are massacred when Bosnian Serbs overrun the UN 'safe haven' of Srebrenica

1995  7,000 Bosnian Muslim men are massacred when Bosnian Serbs overrun the UN 'safe haven' of Srebrenica
Muslim) boys and men, perpetrated by Bosnian Serb forces in Srebrenica, a town in eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina, in July 1995. In addition to the killings, more than 20,000 civilians were expelled from the area—a process known as ethnic cleansing. The massacre, which was the worst episode of mass murder within Europe since World War II, helped galvanize the West to press for a cease-fire that ended three years of warfare on Bosnia’s territory (see Bosnian conflict). However, it left deep emotional scars on survivors and created enduring obstacles to political reconciliation among Bosnia’s ethnic groups. The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia—established before the massacre to scrutinize ongoing military conduct—concluded that the killings at Srebrenica, compounded by the mass expulsion of Bosniak civilians, amounted to genocide. It pinned principal responsibility on senior officers in the Bosnian Serb army. But the United Nations (UN) and its Western supporters also accepted a portion of the blame for having failed to protect the Bosniak men, women, and children in Srebrenica, which in 1993 the UN Security Council had formally designated a “safe area.” In a critical internal review in 1999, UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan wrote, “Through error, misjudgment and an inability to recognize the scope of the evil confronting us, we failed to do our part to help save the people of Srebrenica from the [Bosnian] Serb campaign of mass murder.” Although Serbia was not legally implicated in the massacre, in 2010 the Serbian National Assembly narrowly passed a resolution that apologized for having failed to prevent the killings.

1944 Franklin Roosevelt announces that he will run for a fourth term as President of the United States

1944  Franklin Roosevelt announces that he will run for a fourth term as President of the United States

“There are only three certainties in this world,” as the saying used to go, “death, taxes, and Roosevelt.” On July 11, 1944, Franklin Delano Roosevelt further solidified this idiom by becoming the first — and only — U.S. president to announce he would seek a fourth term in office.

In the midst of World War II, Roosevelt decided the country would be best be served with consistency in the executive branch. Unlike in 1940 when he did not openly campaign for re-election, and allowed himself to be drafted at the Democratic Convention, the President declared that he would seek an unprecedented fourth term in the 1944 election.

First woman graduates from a New Zealand university 11 July 1877

First woman graduates from a New Zealand university

11 July 1877

Kate Edger (Nelson College for Girls)

Kate Edger became the first woman in New Zealand to gain a university degree and the first woman in the British Empire to earn a Bachelor of Arts (BA). in 1882 she became the first principal of Nelson College for Girls.

Other pioneering New Zealand woman graduates soon followed. Helen Connon, Canterbury College’s first female student, graduated with a BA in 1880 and became the first woman in the Empire to gain an honours degree in 1881. New Zealand’s first woman lawyer, Ethel Benjamin, graduated from the University of Otago’s law school in 1898.

Stella Henderson achieved unusual academic distinction for a 19th-century woman, gaining a BA with a special focus on political science, a Masters of Arts (MA) with first-class honours in English and Latin, and completing the requirements for a Bachelor of Laws during the 1890s.

Elizabeth Gregory graduated Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in biochemistry at University College, London, in 1932. She received an honorary Doctorate of Laws (LLD) in 1967 – the first New Zealand woman graduate to be so honoured.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

anniversary of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

41st death anniversary of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Night of the Long Knives By 1934 Adolf Hitler appeared to have complete control over Nazi Germany

Night of the Long Knives

By 1934 Adolf Hitler appeared to have complete control over Nazi Germany, but like most dictators, he constantly feared that he might be ousted by others who wanted his power. To protect himself from a possible coup, Hitler used the tactic of divide and rule and encouraged other leaders such as Hermann GöringJoseph GoebbelsHeinrich Himmler and Ernst Röhm to compete with each other for senior positions.

Albert Speer pointed out in his book, Inside the Third Reich (1970): "After 1933 there quickly formed various rival factions that held divergent views, spied on each other, and held each other in contempt. A mixture of scorn and dislike became the prevailing mood within the party. Each new dignitary rapidly gathered a circle of intimates around him. Thus Himmler associated almost exclusively with his SS following, from whom he could count on unqualified respect... As an intellectual Goebbels looked down on the crude philistines of the leading group in Munich, who for their part made fun of the conceited academic's literary ambitions. Göring considered neither the Munich philistines nor Goebbels sufficiently aristocratic for him and therefore avoided all social relations with them; whereas Himmler, filled with the elitist missionary zeal of the SS felt far superior to all the others." (1)

Röhm complained to Herman Rauschning about not being appointed a minister in the Nazi government. Röhm told Rauschning: "Adolf is a swine... He only associates with the reactionaries now. His old friends aren't good enough for him. Getting matey with the East Prussian generals. They're his cronies now... Are we revolutionaries or aren't we? The generals are a lot of old fogies. They will never have a new idea... I don't know where he's going to get his revolutionary spirit from. They're the same old clods, and they'll certainly lose the next war." (2)

Opposition to Ernst Röhm

Industrialists such as Albert VoeglerGustav KruppAlfried KruppFritz Thyssen and Emile Kirdorf, who had provided the funds for the Nazi victory, were unhappy with Röhm's socialistic views on the economy and his claims that the real revolution had still to take place. Walther Funk reported that Hjalmar Schacht and his friends in big business were worried that the Nazis might begin "radical economic experiments".

The Death of Emperor Montezuma, Montezuma II Xocoyotzín, Emperor of the Aztecs

The Death of Emperor Montezuma

Montezuma II Xocoyotzín, Emperor of the Aztecs

Montezuma had been selected to be Tlatoani (the word means "speaker") in 1502, the maximum leader of his people: his grandfather, father and two uncles had also been tlatoque (plural of tlatoani). From 1502 to 1519, Montezuma had proven himself to be an able leader in war, politics, religion, and diplomacy. He had maintained and expanded the empire and was lord of lands stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Hundreds of conquered vassal tribes sent the Aztec's goods, food, weapons, and even slaves and captured warriors for sacrifice.

The Death of Montezuma

Cortes and the Invasion of Mexico

In 1519, Hernan Cortes and 600 Spanish conquistadors landed on Mexico's Gulf coast, establishing a base near the present-day city of Veracruz. They began slowly making their way inland, collecting intelligence through Cortes' interpreter/mistress Doña Marina ("Malinche"). They befriended disgruntled vassals of the Mexica and made an

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Prince William, Duke of Cambridge

Prince William, Duke of Cambridge

Prince William and Duchess Kate of Cambridge visits Sweden 02 (cropped 2).jpg

Prince William, Duke of CambridgeKG, KT, PC, ADC (William Arthur Philip Louis;[fn 1] born 21 June 1982) is a member of the British royal family. He is the elder son of Charles, Prince of Wales, and Diana, Princess of Wales. Since birth, he has been second in the line of succession to the British throne.

William was educated at four schools in the United Kingdom and studied for a degree at the University of St Andrews. During a gap year, he spent time in Chile, Belize, and Africa. In December 2006, he completed 44 weeks of training as an officer cadet and was commissioned in the Blues and

Benazir Bhutto (1953–2007)

Benazir Bhutto (1953–2007)

Benazir Bhutto

Early Life

Benazir Bhutto was born on June 21, 1953, in Karachi, Pakistan, the eldest child of former premier Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. She went on to found the Pakistan People's Party and serve as the nation's prime minister (from 1971 to 1977). After completing her early education in Pakistan, she pursued her higher education in the United States. Bhutto attended Radcliffe College from 1969 to 1973 and then enrolled at Harvard University, where she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in comparative government. It was then onto the United Kingdom, where she studied at Oxford University from 1973 to 1977, completing a course in international law and diplomacy.

Zartaj Gul Wazir stirs up a storm on social media with novel definition of COVID-19

Zartaj Gul Wazir stirs up a storm on social media with novel definition of COVID-19

Minister of State for Climate Change Zartaj Gul Wazir had social media in stitches on Saturday after she provided a novel definition of COVID-19. 

"COVID-19 means that it has 19 points that can be applied in any country in any way," said during a current affairs show on PTV News

Monday, June 15, 2020

George I of Great Britain, George I (George Louis; German: Georg Ludwig; 28 May 1660 – 11 June 1727) King of Great Britain and Ireland from 1 August 1714 and ruler of the Duchy and Electorate of Brunswick-Lüneburg (Hanover) in the Holy Roman Empire from 23 January 1698 until his death in 1727. first British monarch of the House of Hanover

George I of Great Britain

George I (George Louis; German: Georg Ludwig; 28 May 1660 – 11 June 1727)[a] was King of Great Britain and Ireland from 1 August 1714 and ruler of the Duchy and Electorate of Brunswick-Lüneburg (Hanover) in the Holy Roman Empire from 23 January 1698 until his death in 1727. He was the first British monarch of the House of Hanover.

George seated on the throne in the robes of the Order of the Garter

Born in Hanover to its Elector Ernest Augustus and Electress Sophia, George inherited the titles and lands of the Duchy of Brunswick-Lüneburg from his father and uncles. A succession of European wars expanded his German domains during his lifetime; he was ratified as prince-elector of Hanover in 1708. After the deaths in 1714 of his mother and his second cousin Anne, Queen of Great Britain, George ascended

When you look at various woman