Showing posts with label Pakistan Knowledge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pakistan Knowledge. Show all posts

Monday, April 4, 2022

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto wrote to Quaid-e-Azam as a student letter in 1945, in response to which Quaid-e-Azam gave him special advice before coming to politics. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's letter to the Quaid-e-Azam

 When Quaid-e-Azam advised Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

 Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto wrote to Quaid-e-Azam as a student letter in 1945, in response to which Quaid-e-Azam gave him special advice before coming to politics.

 Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's letter to the Quaid-e-Azam

 On April 26, 1945, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto commended his efforts and efforts to obtain a clean land in the letter written by Quaid-e-Azam.

 Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto wrote, "Sir, you have gathered the Muslim nation under a flag, I think that the wishes of Pakistan should be in the heart of every Muslim because Pakistan is our destiny, it is our purpose."

 PPP founder Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto said, "No power can stop us from establishing Pakistan, we as a nation exist in the subcontinent. You have energized us, which we are proud of."

 He wrote, "As a student, I am unable to contribute to Pakistan's achievement, but I am sure that the time will come when I will not hesitate to sacrifice my life for Pakistan.  Will. '

 In response to this letter, the Prime Minister wrote a letter on May 1, 1945, advising him.

 Letter to Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

 It is a pleasure to read your letter of 26 April and to know that you have been involved in various political events.  Don't style.

 If you study India's political issues thoroughly, I have no doubt that you will be successful in your struggle for life after completing your education.

 Mohammad Ali Jinnah, President of All India Muslim League

 War News December 25, 2021

Story of Raja Ranjit Singh and his girl friend Moran

Story of Raja Ranjit Singh and his girl friend Moran

Zulfiqar Qadri

The Punjabis acknowledge Raja Ranjit Singh as the sole ruler after Rajpuras in its history, which gave the slogan of Greater Punjab to the Punjab from East Punjab to Afghanistan and from Kashmir to the borders of Sindh, Ranjit Singh on Sindh.  The army tried to capture Sindh but could not conquer, but Sindh's ruler Mir Talpur Ranjit Singh's army decided to stop the Kashi army.  The tradition that Ranjit Singh plays in Punjab is still intact, to commemorate the anniversary of Raja Ranjit Singh's death on June 27, 2019, last year.  "The monument was erected and paid tribute to him. If the English Raja had erected a monument outside, it would have been demolished. Also, he would have been declared a traitor and a disbeliever."  , Mian Mir, Baba Fareed and others have forgotten the teaching and history of Sufis The peace and brotherhood of these Sufi saints  Forget the message that followed Ranjit Singh's expansionist tradition. Ranjit Singh was born on November 19, 1780, in the house of Raja Maha Singh, the ruler of Punjab. His father died when he was very young.  One eye was lost and one eye was lost. Ranjit Singh was thrown to the throne of Punjab at the age of thirteen years. Ranjit Singh ruled from Kashmir in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for 39 years and died on 27 June 1839, Maharaja Ranjit Singh.  First made his throne Gujranwala, but the Muslims of Lahore wrote a letter to him to save him from the unrest. Then Ranjit Singh attacked Lahore and destroyed the city.  After conquering Lahore after the ordinary and bitter conquest of Lahore, he made Lahore his throne.  One of the big acts

راجا رنجيت سنگهہ ۽ طوائف موران جي ڪهاڻي THE STORY OF RAJA RANJEET SINGH AND TAWAIF MORAAN

 راجا رنجيت سنگهہ ۽ طوائف موران جي ڪهاڻي

 ذوالفقار قادري

 پنجابي پنهنجي تاريخ ۾ راجا پورس کان پوءِ مها راجا رنجيت سنگهہ کي واحد حڪمران طور مڃتا ڏين ٿا جنهن گريٽر پنجاب جو نعرو ڏنو رنجيت سنگهہ اوڀر پنجاب کان ويندي افغانستان تائين ۽ ڪشمير کان ويندي سنڌ جي سرحدن تائين پنجابي رياست قائم ڪئي ، رنجيت سنگهہ سنڌ تي قبضو ڪرڻ لاءِ بہ فوج ڪشي ڪئي سنڌ فتح تہ نہ ڪري سگهيو پر سنڌ جي حڪمران مير ٽالپرن رنجيت سنگهہ جي لشڪر ڪشي کي روڪڻ عيوض “ ڀتو “ يا رنجيت سنگهہ کي “ غنڊه ٽيڪس “ ڏيڻ جو معاهدو ڪيو اهو “ ڀتو “ سنڌ جا ماڻھو اڃا بہ پنجاب کي ادا ڪندا اچن ٿا رنجيت سنگهي اها روايت اڃا برقرار آھي ، گذريل سال 27 جون 2019ع تي راجا رنجيت سنگهہ جي ورسي واري ڏينهن کي ياد رکڻ واسطي پنجاب حڪومت شاهي قلعي لاهور جي مرڪزي دروازي تي راجا رنجيت سنگهه ۽ هن جي گهوڙِي “ ليلئ “ جي يادگار تعمير ڪئي ۽ کيس خراج پيش ڪيو ، جيڪڏهن سنڌي راجا ڏاهر جي يادگار تعمير ڪن ها تہ کنڀجي چڪا هجن ها گڏوگڏ کين غدار ۽ ڪافر قرار ڏنو وڃي ها ٖ بدقسمتي سان پنجاب جا ماڻھو بابا بلهي شاھ ، سلطان باھو ، ميان محمد بخش ، ميان مير ، بابا فريد ۽ ٻين صوفين جي درس ۽ تاريخ کي وساري ويٺا آھن هنن صوفي بزرگن جي امن ۽ ڀائيچاري واري پيغام کي وساري رنجيت سنگهہ جي توسيع پسندانہ روايتن جي پوئلڳي ڪئي رنجيت سنگهه 19 نومبر 1780ع پنجاب جي حاڪم راجا ماها سنگهہ جي گهر ۾ پيدا ٿيو هو اڃا ننڍو هو تہ سندس پيءُ مري ويو ننڍي هوندي ئي کيس ماتا جي بيماري ٿي جنهن سبب سندس هڪ اک ختم ٿي وئي ۽ هو هڪ اک کان ڪاڻو ٿي ويو رنجيت سنگهہ کي تيرهن سالن جي عمر ۾ پنجاب جي تخت ويهاريو ويو رنجيت سنگهہ 39 سال پنجاب ٖ ڪشمير کان ويندي خيبر پختون تائين حڪمراني ڪئي ۽ 27 جون 1839 تي وفات ڪئي مهاراجا رنجيت سنگهہ پهرين پنهنجو تخت گاه گجرانوالا کي بڻايو پر اڳتي هلي لاهور جي مسلمانن کيس خط لکيا تہ اچي کيس بدامني کان بچايو وڃي تہ پو۽ رنجيت سنگهہ لاهور تي حملو ڪيو ۽ شھر کي تاراج ڪيائين مسلمانن جون مسجدون ۽ عبادت گاهون بہ تاراج ڪيون ويون لاهور ۾ قتل عام ۽ لٽ ڦر بعد لاهور کي فتح ڪرڻ بعد لاهور کي ئي پنهنجو تخت گاه بڻايائين اڪثر پنجابي مؤرخ رنجيت سنگهه جي حڪمراني کي مثالي قرار ڏين ٿا پر تاريخدانن جو اهو بہ چوڻ آھي تہ سندس حڪومتي معاملن ۽ مشورن ۾ رنجيت سنگهہ جي سس راڻي سدا ڪور جو وڏو عمل دخل هوندو هو مزيدار ڳالهہ تہ

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Why EX PRIME MINISTER of Islamic Republic PakistanZulifiqar Ali Bhutto is Alive and will alive . PPP PAKISTAN

 بھٹو کیسے زندہ ھے اور کیوں زندہ رھے گا۔ پلیز تھوڑی سی توجہ چاھئے۔ پاکستان کے نوجوانوں کے لئے بطور خاص۔ ......

The Bhutto government established around 

6,500 elementary schools, 

900 middle schools, 

407 high schools, 

51 intermediate colleges and 

21 junior colleges.

Bhutto's government founded Abbasi Shaheed Hospital in Paposh Nagar Karachi in 1974.

Bhutto's government established Sindh Medical College karachi on April 7 1973.

Bhutto's government established chandka medical college larkana in April 20 1973.

Bhutto's government established bolan medical college Quetta in 1972.

Bhutto's government established Allama Iqbal Medical College Lahore (then Lahore Medical College) on May 2 1975.

Bhutto's government established Hayat Shaheed Teaching Hospital Peshawar in 1976 (now is called khyber teaching hospital).

Bhutto's government made Islamic and Pakistan studies compulsory in schools. 

Book banks were created in most institutions and over 400,000 copies of text-books were supplied to students.

Bhutto established Gomal University Dera Ismail Khan in 1973 and world class Quaid-e-Azam University and Allama Iqbal Open University in Islamabad in 1974.

Bhutto established the Allama Iqbal Medical College in 1975.

In 1974, with the help of Dr Abdus Salam, Bhutto gave authorisation of the International Nathiagali Summer College on Contemporary Physics (INSC) at the Nathiagali and as even as of today, INSC conference is still held on Pakistan, where thousands of scientists from all over the world are delegated to Pakistan to interact with Pakistan's academic scientists. 

In 1976, Bhutto established the Engineering Council, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Pakistan Academy of Letters and Cadet college Razmak in North Waziristan.

further four new Universities established at Multan, Bahawalpur, and Khairpur. 

People's Open University is another innovative venture which has started functioning from Islamabad. 

For Hostels, Directions were issued that fans, water-coolers and pay-telephones must be provided in each and every hostel in as short a time as physically possible.

Seven thousand new hostel seats were planned to be added to the existing accommodation after the 1977 election. 

The agricultural land ceiling, for the first time, was fixed, in Bhutto's period, to 150 acres of irrigated land and 300 acres of non-irrigated land.

Huge tax exceptions were also introduced for small landowners.

Bhutto upgraded a number of dams and barrages.

Bhutto Government initiated schemes for combating water logging and salinity.

In 1976, the Bhutto government established Federal Flood Commission (FFC), and was tasked to prepare national flood protection plans, and flood forecasting and research to harness floodwater.

Bhutto government launched programs to put the country on  to self-sufficiency in rice, sugar, wheat and industries.

Bhutto's nationalisation of industries heavily benefited the poor mass, but badly upset the influential feudal lords.

In Balochistan, Sardari System was abolished. 

KESC was created and kept under complete government control with no private influence.

Bhutto also established ،،

Atomic Energy Commission .

the Port Qasim, 

Pakistan Steel Mills, 

the Heavy Mechanical Complex (HMC) 

and several cement factories.

BHUTTO Government given the Constitution in 1973.and in his time National Identity cards started for the nation.

He arranged millions of job for skilled workers in Gulf countries..

Throughout Bhutto's period the growth rate of economy relative to that of the 1960s remained at equilibrium level despite the global oil crises in 1973 and without USAid and with USA sanctions.

Bhutto's policy largely benefited the poor and working class when the level of absolute poverty was sharply reduced.

The land reform programme provided increased economic support to landless tenants.

Development spending was increased especially in health, education, roads, rails and airports constructions.

Foreign companies and industries in Pakistan were exempt from nationalisation to keep the flow of investment intact.

In 1973, Bhutto said that: "activity of public sector or state sector prevents the concentration of economic power in few hands, and protects the small and medium entrepreneurs from the clutches of giant enterprises and vested interests" in front of investers of Lahore Chamber of Commerce.

In July 1973 Bhutto founded the National Development Finance Corporation(NDFC) with an initial government investment of 100 million rupees. The NDFC is currently the largest development finance institution of Pakistan. 42 projects financed by NDFC have contributed Rs. 10,761 million to Pakistan's GDP and generated Rs. 690 million after-tax profits and 40,465 jobs.

The Bhutto government increased the level of investment, private and public, in the economy from less than Rs. 7,000 million in 1971–72 to more than Rs. 17,000 million in 1974–75.

Bhutto amended banking laws forcing banks to ensure 70% of institutional lending should be for small land holders of 12.5 acres or less. It was a revolutionary idea at a time when banks only clients were the privileged classes.

The number of bank branches rose by 75

He was the legend political leader of Pakistan with complete planned vision unlike todays political leaders including pti ppp !

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

From the window of history March 24, 1979 While the Supreme Court of Pakistan upheld the death sentence of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

 From the window of history

 March 24, 1979

 While the Supreme Court of Pakistan upheld the death sentence of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

 BY Zulfiqar Qadri

  March 24, 1979 is the day the Supreme Court of Pakistan rejects the request for review of an appeal against former Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's Lahore death sentence and the judgment sentenced by the court.  A seven-member bench of the High Court has heard the case. Four judges belonging to Punjab gave a decision in favor of Zulfiqar Ali Bhatti while three judges belonging to Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa opposed Sindh.  The story begins in Multan on the night of November 10, 1974, when Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto disappeared from public engagements at a palace-shaped bungalow of Governor Nawab Sadiq Hussain Qureshi in Multan at that moment.  Military Secretary General Imtiaz heard him say something in the ear.  Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto said that it was a condition of cigar pouring into ash tree!  Oh!  No very sad on the other hand Ahmed Raza Kasuri, a member of the National Assembly elected from the constituency of Pakistan Peoples Party at the same time in Lahore, was known by his father Nawab Mohammad Ahmad Khan Kasuri, who was known for his freedom movement during the British rule.  And the armed revolutionaries were fighting against Bhatt Singh and his associates, that Nawab Mohammad Ahmad Khan Kasuri, the magistrate who had signed the block warrants by Bhatt Singh.  Ahmed Raza Kasuri was returning from a marriage party with his father Nawab Mohammad Ahmad Khan Kasuri overnight when unknown gunmen opened fire on his vehicle at Shah Jamal Chowk of Shadmani Colony, in which National Assembly member Ahmed Raza Kasuri's father.  Nawab Mohammad Ahmad Khan Kasuri was seriously injured.  He was taken to United Christian Hospital Lahore, but he could not recover the wounds and died at the hospital.  Ahmed Raza Kasuri on the FIR of his father's assassination on Firah Era Thani when the prime

everlasting role of the guerrilla movement to Bachao Raja: Moto Khasakheli and his colleagues, The Harak rebellion movement. Haraj Mujahideen

 Bring the everlasting role of the guerrilla movement to Bachao Raja: Moto Khasakheli and his colleagues

BY Zulfiqar Qadri

 The Harak rebellion movement shows that there are three stages to the Bachu king. The Bachchan king was born in 1863.  Under Jammu, Jamaat-e-Gijri was in the bungalow and she was taken to Sanjuri. She was the wife of the great Phamir Khaskheli's wife.  Badshah Khaskhali and Pir Bakhsh Khaskhali Others Pir Bakhsh Faqir Khaskheli won the famous marriage with the nephew, martyred Bachu Badshah married Mai Saidan Khaskheli while his brother Pir Bakhsh Faqir was married to Mai Begum Behan while the other survived the king Rebellion.  The guerrillas started the war and the Deer launched raids that included the Bacha king's mother Mai Son Thai, along with his two grandchildren, the king's wife Mai Saidan and Pirbakhsh Faqir Bekhalim's wife Mai.  Also participating in the guerrilla action is the brother-in-law of brother-in-law Mai Son Thai.  Rakhsh Wassan alias Peru Minister Bachu was the commander of the guerrilla heritage of the king. Poor Pir Bakhsh alias Peru minister did not marry.  Established ٖ which included Sangha ٖ Shahdadpur ٖ Tondo Adam ٖ Sanjuro ٖ Eur Tir ٖ Nawabshah ٖ Hyderabad and some parts of Rajasthan ٖ They were the center of the Miki Forest and Miki Lake area.  The cabinet also contained the following configuration:

 1 - Baby king ٖ 2 - Peruvian rain 3 - T چi Chانگng ٖ 4 - Gullu mosquito ٖ 5 - Grasshopper ٖ 6 - Egyptian yogurt ٖ 7 - Usman Honduras 7 - Jesus ٖ 8 - Thu Sep 8 - 9 pm Mon.

 10 - Fatal Honduras 11 - Queen Estates 12 - Glo Mocha included - Bacho King's command - The warriors fought British lives for seven consecutive years - They fought with the British for seven consecutive years.  Taxes were imposed on British troops, attacks on army personnel and informants in Sanghar - Mirpurkhas and Tharparkar - from Mackey Dale to Madhau and Shahdadpur remained the epicenter of intense fighting with British troops.

 The last child and his companion were martyred as follows

 1 - The little king was arrested on May 1896 and was tried in a military court on 26 November 1896.

 2 - Jesus arrested in Outside Hall

 3 - Pir Bakhsh alias Peru Vasan son Saleh Faqir Vasanwando was killed in a battle with Major Leoix's army in 1898.

 4 - Mujahid Teo Chang's son Duso Chang won the martyrdom in 1898 by confronting the army of Lokas with Sanghar Jhoi Lei.

 5 - Mujahid Gul son Piru Mochai won the martyrdom in 1898 by confronting the army of Lokas with the Sanghi-affiliated Sangh Jodh Lei.

 6 - Kilo Davao son Glo Davu arrives with his companion in tribe near Ghulam Mohammed's village in the village of Kachpur in the village of Mochan village and gives the challenge of competing by sending English army officer Leoix D to the son-in-law's son Dino poor.  Compared with the fellow, he was martyred

 7 - Mujahid Usman Hendru son Malok martyred in a battle of village Honduras with the British army near Ghulam Mohammed's lower village in Tandawaliaar Miki Dale.

 8 - Khimiswasan son martyred in a confrontation with Baku district

 9 - Mon. Davie Martyred with British troops at Mickey Dale

 10 - Fatal Qazi martyr to Mecca on Monday to face British troops

 11 - Queen Bakhtiar Sanghe martyred after confrontation with British troops at Mecca

 During the last Third Movement, thousands of Haraj Mujahideen revolted on the orders of Pir Sebghatullah Shah Surah Badshah. Haram Mujahideen fought guerrilla war with the British during this Haram guerrilla movement on 22 May 1942.  Lal, in a raid on a 7-lap Lahore Express operating from Karachi to Lahore, killed two people in the raid, followed by Sindh in the subcontinent in June 1942, the first province in which British government imposed martial law in some areas.  Officer Commanding Maj. Gen. R. Richardson has been appointed Martial Law Administrator during the guerrilla warfare.  Al-Bukhari Sanjrani in Egyptian Legion - Rani Mari - Usman Honduras - Glo-ersatz - Khaskheli - Abul Makani - Omar Farah - Bhutto Chang - Uncle Tanori Miro Nizmani - Uncle Rahim Honduras and Wadhon Karan.  In addition, the Harare movement in 1942  Haddn was tried to scare the Mujahideen commanders against the British in rebellion and armed actions. They killed two sons of Oudh Razi.  Do men say that their graves are in the convoy of Hyderabad on March 20, 1943, Pir Syed Sibghatullah Shah Rashidi was created in the Central Jail of Hyderabad Surah Badshah despite the movement of the guerrilla movement since Pakistan.  ين Hundreds of deer martyred and thousands of Mujahideen men were sentenced to life in prisons and hideouts, but such a major armed conflict was neglected after the establishment of Pakistan. It would have to be done as a historical heritage.  The movement should be included in the syllabus as it was not done



ذوالفقار قادري

هي اهي ڏينهن هئا جڏھن ذوالفقار علي ڀٽو جنرل ايوب خان سان تاشقند معاهدي بعد ساڻس سان اختلاف ڪري وزارت خارجہ تان استعفئ ڏئي چڪو هو ٖ سندس لاڙڪاڻي واري گهر المرتضئ هاؤس جي مکيہ دروازي تي ٻن نالن واريون پليٽون لڳل هونديون هيون ٖ مکيہ گيٽ جي هڪ پاسي تي سر شاهنواز ڀٽو ۽ ٻئي پاسي تي ذوالفقار علي ڀٽو بارايٽ لا جون تختيون لڳل هيون ذوالفقار علي ڀٽو جي استعفئ بعد جنرل ايوب خان ذوالفقار علي ڀٽو کي هيسائڻ خاطر گرفتار ڪيو تہ بيگم نصرت ڀٽو پنهنجي مڙس جي اهڙي گرفتاري کي عدالت ۾ چيلينج ڪيو ۽ عدالت ذوالفقار علي ڀٽو جي گرفتاري کي غيرقانوني قرار ڏيندي سندس آزادي جو حڪم نامون جاري ڪيو آزادي بعد هڪ رات ذوالفقار علي ڀٽو پنهنجي دوست ۽ سنڌ جي هڪ وڏي جاگيردار چانڊيہ قبيلي جي سردار نواب احمد سلطان چانڊيو سان سرور جي محفل دوران کيس ٻڌايو تہ هو هڪ نئين پارٽي جوڙڻ ٿو چاهي جنهن ۾ غريب ٖ مسڪين ٖ هاري ٖ مزدور ۽ ٽانگي وارا هوندا نواب احمد سلطان چانڊيو وڏو ٽھڪ ڏيندي ڀٽي کي چيو ها آئڊيا ڀلو آھي پر جيستائين گادي ڌڻي ٖ جاگيردار ٖ سردار ۽ نواب گڏ نہ کڻندي تو واري پارٽي صرف گڏھ گاڏي ۽ ٽانگي وارن جي پارٽي ئي رهندي ٖ ذوالفقار علي ڀٽو پنهنجي دوست جو مشورو ڪيترو قبول ڪيو اها تہ خبر پوء پئي پر ذوالفقار علي ڀٽو نومبر 1967ع تي لاهور ۾ ڊاڪٽر مبشر حسين جي گهر پيپلز پارٽي جو بنياد پئي وڌو تہ اڪثر کاٻي ڌر جا سوشلسٽ ڊاڪٽر مبشر حسين ٖ معراج محمد خان ٖ باباء سوشلزم شيخ رشيد ٖ جي اي رحيم ٖ خورشيد حسن مير ٖ مير رسول بخش ٽالپر ٖ ملڪ معراج خالد جهڙن روشن خيالن سان گڏ ذوالفقار علي ڀٽو پارٽي ۾ نالي وارا گادي ڌڻي مخدوم محمد زمان طالب المولئ ٖ پير غلام رسول شاهہ جيلاني ٖ پير عبدالقادر شاهہ جيلاني آف راڻيپور ٖ غلام مصطفئ کر ٖ رئيس غلام مصطفئ جتوئي ٖ نواب صادق حسين قريشي ٖ نواب سيف الله مگسي ٖ نواب احمد سلطان چانڊيو جهڙا روايتي گادي نشين ٖ سردار ۽ نواب بہ پارٽي ۾ کنيا اها ٻي ڳالهہ آھي تہ نواب احمد سلطان چانڊيو ستر جي اليڪشن ۾ پنهنجي دوست ذوالفقار علي ڀٽو جي پارٽي پ پ جي ٽڪيٽ وٺڻ کان انڪار ڪيو ۽ ذوالفقار علي ڀٽو قمبر واري

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Benazir Bhutto (1953–2007)

Benazir Bhutto (1953–2007)

Benazir Bhutto

Early Life

Benazir Bhutto was born on June 21, 1953, in Karachi, Pakistan, the eldest child of former premier Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. She went on to found the Pakistan People's Party and serve as the nation's prime minister (from 1971 to 1977). After completing her early education in Pakistan, she pursued her higher education in the United States. Bhutto attended Radcliffe College from 1969 to 1973 and then enrolled at Harvard University, where she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in comparative government. It was then onto the United Kingdom, where she studied at Oxford University from 1973 to 1977, completing a course in international law and diplomacy.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020


Age Limit Relaxation

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Hyder Bux Jatoi (1901-1970) Baba e Sindh Father of Sindh / PMM

Hyder Bux Jatoi (1901-1970) Baba e Sindh Father of Sindh / PMM

Bashir Ahmed Qureshi Prominent Sindhi Nationalist / PMM

Bashir Ahmed Qureshi Prominent Sindhi Nationalist / PMM

"Baba-e-Sindh" (Father of Sindh) Hyder Bux Jatoi (حيدر بخش جتوئي) (1901–1970) revolutionary, leftist, peasant leader in Sindh, Pakistan.

IntroPakistani politician
Birth7 October 1901, Larkana


Hyder Bux Jatoi (حيدر بخش جتوئي) (1901–1970) was a revolutionary, leftist, peasant leader in Sindh, Pakistan. Image may contain: 1 person, glasses and sunglasses

He is known by his supporters as "Baba-e-Sindh" (Father of Sindh). He was also a Sindhi writer and poet. He was for many years the president of the Sindh Hari Committee (Sindh Peasants Committee), a constituent member of the National

Baba e Sindh Comrade Hyder Baksh Jatoi (7Oct 1901-21May1970)

Baba e Sindh Comrade Hyder Baksh Jatoi (7Oct 1901-21May1970)
ڪامريڊ حيدر بخش جتوئي ستين آڪٽوبر 1901ع تي پيدا ٿيو ۽ 21 مئي 1970ع ۾ گذاري ويو، هي تصوير سندس جواني جي آهي جڏهن ڊپٽي ڪليڪٽر هو، نوڪري کي لت هڻي سنڌ جي هارين جي حقن لاءِ جدوجهد ڪيائين. ڪيترو عرصو جيلن ۾ رهيو. پنجاه کان وڌيڪ پمفليٽ ۽ پنج ڪتاب لکيائين. گهت ماڻهن کي خبر آهي ته جيئي سنڌ جو نعرو 
 Image may contain: 1 person, glasses and sunglassesسندس نظم تان ورتل آهي.
Substaces of Quran
جي نالي به لکيا اٿائين. اهو ترجموصفحن 1350 تي مشتمل آهي.

Image may contain: 6 people  پاڻ قرآن شريف تي انگريزيءَ ۾ تشريحي نوٽس

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

MOALANA Ubaidullah Sindhi. (nationalist and political leader of the Indian independence movement.)

Ubaidullah Sindhi. (nationalist and political leader of the Indian independence movement.)

Born. March 10, 1872
Died.August 22, 1944 (aged 72)
Era. British Raj
Region. Islamic philosopher/scholar

Ubaidullah Sindhi (Sindhi: عبیداللہ سنڌي, Urdu: مولانا عبیداللہ سندھی), (March 10, 1872 - August 22, 1944) was a noted nationalist leader and a political activist of the Indian independence movement.

Born in a Uppal Khatri family of Sialkot, Ubaidullah converted to Islam early in his life and later enrolled in the Darul Uloom Deoband,

True History About Maha Raja Dahir

True History About Maha Raja Dahir

Translation of the first chapter of GM Syed, “Warrior Heros of Sindh” (‘Sindh ja Suuriya’). The translation from the original Sindhi monograph is by Gul Agha.]

1. Prologue

2. The Nature of the Conquerors

3. Arabian Penninsula before the Prophet

4. What Followed the Death of the Prophet

5. The Banu Umaya Empire


بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم

محمد بن قاسم سے پہلے کا سندھ

“تیرہ سو سال پہلے سندھ کا اطلاق جس علاقے پر ہوتا تھا وہ بہت لمبا اور چوڑا تھا۔ اسلام سے پہلے راجا داہر کی حکومت کے زمانے میں جس ملک کو سندھ کے نام سے موسوم کرتے تھے، وہ سمت مغرب میں مکران تک، جنوب میں بحر عرب اور گجرات تک، مشرق میں موجودہ مالوہ کے وسط اور راجپوتانے تک اور شمال میں ملتان سے گزر کر جنوبی پنجاب کے اندر تک وسیع تھا اور عرب مورخین اسی سارے علاقے کو سندھ کہتے تھے۔
پھر یہ ملک اتنا قدیم ہے کہ اس کے متعلق یہ بھی نہیں بیان کیا جا سکتا کہ کب سے ہے اور اس کے نام

Saturday, April 18, 2020


I, __________________________son/daughter/wife of ______________________, resident of      ____________________________________ holder of CNIC No.___________________ Dealer of       Pakistan State Oil Company Limited’s (PSO) retail outlet ______________________situated at          ____________________________________Code # ____________, do hereby, on solemn affirmation,        undertake and state as under: 1. That I am the executants of this undertaking and as such fully conversant with the facts mentioned                 herein. 2. That I shall purchase, uplift and sell the following POL products from PSO on a credit during                 …………. ……….  PRODUCT MONTHLY TARGETS  ________________________ _________________________  
________________________ _________________________   
3. That I further undertake that I shall meet the sales targets assigned to me by the

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

History of The names of big cities of Pakistan

*پاکستان کے بڑے شہروں کے نام کیسے   پڑے، دلچسپ اور حیران کن معلومات*


    *اســـلام آبــاد:-*
1959ءمیں مرکزی دارالحکومت کا علاقہ قرار پایا۔ اس کا نام مذہب اسلام کے نام پر اسلام آباد رکھا گیا۔


یہ شہر راول قوم کا گھر تھا۔ چودھری جھنڈے خان راول نے پندرہویں صدی میں باقاعدہ اس کی بنیاد رکھی۔


تقریباً 220 سال پہلے یہ ماہی گیروں کی بستی تھی۔ کلاچو نامی بلوچ کے نام پر اس کا نام کلاچی پڑگیا۔ پھر آہستہ آہستہ کراچی بن گیا۔ 1925ءمیں اسے شہر کی حیثیت دی گئی۔1947ءسے 1959ءتک یہ پاکستان کا دارالحکومت رہا۔


ایک نظریےکے مطابق ہندﺅں کے دیوتا راما کے بیٹے لاوا کے بعد لاہور نام پڑا، لاوا کو لوہ سے پکارا جاتا تھا اور لوہ (لاوا) کیلئے تعمیر کیا جانیوالا قلعہ ’لوہ، آور‘ سے مشہور ہوا
جس کا واضح معنی ’لوہ کا قلعہ ‘ تھا۔ اسی طرح صدیاں گزرتی گئیں اور پھر ’لوہ آور‘ لفظ بالکل اسی طرح لاہور میں بدل گیا جس طرح سیوستان سبی اور شالکوٹ، کوٹیا اور پھر کوئٹہ میں بدل گیا۔
اسی طرح ایک اور نظریئے کے مطابق دو بھائی لاہور
ایک اور نظریئے کے مطابق دو بھائی لاہور اور قاصو دو مہاجر بھائی تھے جو اس سرزمین پرآئے جسے لوگ آج لاہور کے نام سے جانتے ہیں، ایک بھائی قاصو نے پھر قصور آباد کیا جس کی وجہ سے اس کا نام بھی قصور پڑا جبکہ دوسرے بھائی نے اندرون شہر سے تین میل دور اچھرہ لااور کو اپنا مسکن بنایا اور بعد میں اسی لاہو کی وجہ سے اس شہر کا نام لاہور پڑ گیا اور شاید یہی وجہ ہے کہ اچھرہ کی حدود میں کئی ہندﺅوں کی قبریں بھی ملیں۔


   *حــــــیدر آبــاد:-*
اس کا پرانا نام نیرون کوٹ تھا۔ کلہوڑوں نے اسے حضرت علیؓ کے نام سے منسوب کرکے اس کا نام حیدر آباد رکھ دیا۔ اس کی بنیاد غلام کلہوڑا نے 1768ءمیں رکھی۔

Sunday, December 30, 2018


“Disaster risk reduction has been a part of USAID’s work for decades. ……..we strive to do so
in ways that better assess the threat of hazards, reduce losses, and ultimately protect and save
more people during the next disaster.”
Kasey Channell,
Acting Director of the Disaster Response and Mitigation Division of USAID’s
Office of U.S. Foreign Disa ster As sistance (OFDA)
District Ghotki

Family Advancement for Life and Health Baseline Household Survey Ghotki District May 2010

Family Advancement for Life and Health 
Baseline Household Survey Ghotki District       May 2010

When you look at various woman