Tuesday, June 16, 2020

The Parent-Teacher Relationship: Why It’s More Important Than Ever

The Parent-Teacher Relationship: Why It’s More Important Than Ever

Here’s how even busy working moms can build this crucial relationship.
parent teacher conference
In an era where high-stakes testing of even our youngest kids is rampant—and often misleading—we’re reminded how crucial it is for parents to create strong relationships with teachers and childcare providers. Moms and dads need to be able to see beyond the test scores and work together with educators to understand their children’s unique strengths, interests and talents as learning patterns emerge.
We toss around the terms “parent engagement” and “home-to-school connection” a lot these days. And for working parents they can be anxiety inducing. But what do these phrases really mean? Over the years I’ve talked with many parents and educators about what a “good relationship” looks like. The answers reveal a wide range of beliefs and values. Some parents are intimidated by the education system. They want the best for their children and don’t want to make a mistake, yet they don’t understand the systems or expectations and often feel marginalized. Many working parents feel they don’t receive information on a regular basis or have a strong connection to the teacher. Educators report a sense that parents are overcommitted and anxious and have unrealistic expectations. These disconnects and misperceptions can be a problem when it comes to a healthy relationship.

Parent-teacher relationships don’t just happen. They are built over time through consistent communication, collaboration, creative problem solving, a common goal and, most importantly, trust. Because teachers change every year, the constants in these relationships are the parents and children. So it’s essential that parents develop leadership skills in setting clear goals (beyond testing), have meaningful and productive conversations, and create an action plan for supporting their child in the short-term and long-term.

Learning is not a sprint; it is a lifelong journey, and at every turn there are opportunities for new growth and development. Research shows that a strong parent, child and educator relationship helps boost student achievement and outcomes.

Many arts educators use something called a portfolio review process to track their students’ progress. This can be a helpful tool for parents too. It integrates all of the learning areas, assessments and observational information so you can have meaningful, structured discussions about your child’s specific learning style. It’s also a great way to focus on your child’s unique gifts, interests, preferences and approaches. This will help inform how you engage your child’s extracurricular time and how you can support school learning. Here’s how to create and use a portfolio.

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