Tuesday, February 9, 2016

National Standards for Headmaster & headteacher Organisation & Management

National Standards for Headteachers Organisation & Management
Guidance Staff Management
Status: Information
Introduction 2
Shaping the Future 6
Leading Learning and Teaching 7
Developing Self and Working with Others 8
Managing the Organisation 9
Securing Accountability 10
Strengthening Community 11
1 2
Introduction to the National Standards for Headteachers
This revision to the National Standards for Headteachers is published following widespread
consultation within the profession. It reflects the evolving role of headship in the early 21st
century and incorporates current government thinking and guidance. The Standards recognise the key role that headteachers play in engaging in the development and delivery of government policy and in raising and maintaining levels of attainment in schools in order to meet the needs of every child.
The Standards embody three key principles, namely that the work of headteachers should be:  Learning-centred, focused on leadership and reflect the highest possible professional  standards. These principles have guided this development and underpin the core purpose and key areas of headship.

The Core Purpose of the Headteacher
The core purpose of the headteacher is to provide professional leadership and  management for a school. This will promote a secure foundation from which to achieve high standards in all areas of the school’s work. To gain this success a headteacher must establish high quality education by effectively managing teaching and learning and using personalised learning to realise the potential of all pupils. Headteachers must establish a culture that promotes excellence, equality and high expectations of all pupils. The headteacher is the leading professional in the school. Accountable to the governing
body, the headteacher provides vision, leadership and direction for the school and ensures that it is managed and organised to meet its aims and targets. The headteacher, working with others, is responsible for evaluating the school’s performance to identify the priorities for continuous improvement and raising standards; ensuring equality of opportunity for all; developing policies and practices; ensuring that resources are efficiently and effectively used to achieve the school’s aims and objectives and for the day-to-day management, organisation and administration of the school. The headteacher, working with and through others, secures the commitment of the wider community to the school by developing and maintaining effective partnerships with, for example, schools, other services and agencies for children, the LEA, higher education institutions and employers. Through such partnerships and other activities, headteachers play a key role in contributing to the development of the education system as a whole and collaborate with others to raise standards locally.

Drawing on the support provided by members of the school community, the headteacher
is responsible for creating a productive learning environment which is engaging and
fulfilling for all pupils.
The key areas
The Standards are set out in six key non-hierarchical areas. These six key areas, when
taken together, represent the role of the headteacher.
Shaping the Future
Leading Learning and Teaching
Developing Self and Working with Others
Managing the Organisation
Securing Accountability
Strengthening Community
Within each of these key areas, the knowledge requirements, professional qualities (skills,
dispositions and personal capabilities headteachers bring to the role) and actions needed
to achieve the core purpose are identified. Whilst particular knowledge and professional
qualities are assigned to one of the six key areas, it is important to emphasise that they are
interdependent and many are applicable to all key areas. Headteachers will attach relative
importance to the actions, and add others, as they define the strategic and operational
priorities within their own diverse contexts.
Effective headteachers are responsive to the context of the school and maintain an overview
that integrates their work into a coherent whole.
Using the Standards
The National Standards for Headteachers are generic and are applicable to headteachers
irrespective of phase and type of school. They are intended to provide a framework for
professional development and action and to inform, challenge and enthuse serving and
aspiring headteachers.
The Standards, therefore, have a range of uses. They will assist in the recruitment of
headteachers and in performance management processes. They provide guidance to all
school stakeholders in what should be expected from the role of the headteacher and are
also used to identify threshold levels of performance for the assessment framework within
the National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH).
This document is advisory and is part of a suite of resources (including, for example,
Schoolteachers’ Pay and Conditions, Ofsted Framework for Inspection; GTC Code of
Professional Values and Practice) which inform and govern professional practice.
Shaping the Future
Critical to the role of headship is working with the governing body and others to create a
shared vision and strategic plan which inspires and motivates pupils, staff and all other
members of the school community. This vision should express core educational values and
moral purpose and be inclusive of stakeholders’ values and beliefs. The strategic planning
process is critical to sustaining school improvement and ensuring that the school moves
forward for the benefit of its pupils.
Knows about:
Local, national and global trends
Ways to build, communicate and implement a shared vision
Strategic planning processes
Strategies for communication both within and beyond the school
New technologies, their use and impact
Leading change, creativity and innovation
Professional Qualities
Is committed to:
A collaborative school vision of excellence and equity that sets high standards for
every pupil
The setting and achieving of ambitious, challenging goals and targets
The use of appropriate new technologies
Inclusion and the ability and right of all to be the best they can be
Is able to:
Think strategically, build and communicate a coherent vision in a range of
compelling ways
Inspire, challenge, motivate and empower others to carry the vision forward
Model the values and vision of the school
Ensures the vision for the
school is clearly articulated,
shared, understood and acted
upon effectively by all
Works within the school
community to translate the
vision into agreed objectives
and operational plans which
will promote and sustain
school improvement
Demonstrates the vision and
values in everyday work and
Motivates and works with
others to create a shared
culture and positive climate
Ensures creativity, innovation
and the use of appropriate
new technologies to achieve
Ensures that strategic
planning takes account of the
diversity, values and
experience of the school and
community at large
Leading Learning & Teaching
Headteachers have a central responsibility for raising the quality of teaching and learning
and for pupils’ achievement. This implies setting high expectations and monitoring
and evaluating the effectiveness of learning outcomes. A successful learning culture
will enable pupils to become effective, enthusiastic, independent learners, committed to
life-long learning.
Knows about:
Strategies for raising achievement and achieving excellence
The development of a personalised learning culture within the school
Models of learning and teaching
The use of new and emerging technologies to support learning and teaching
Principles of effective teaching and assessment for learning
Models of behaviour and attendance management
Strategies for ensuring inclusion, diversity and access
Curriculum design and management
Tools for data collection and analysis
Using research evidence to inform teaching and learning
Monitoring and evaluating performance
School self evaluation
Strategies for developing effective teachers
Professional Qualities
Is committed to:
The raising standards for all in the pursuit of excellence
The continuing learning of all members of the school community
The entitlement of all pupils to effective teaching and learning
Choice and flexibility in learning to meet the personalised learning needs of
every child
Is able to:
Demonstrate personal enthusiasm for and commitment to the learning process
Demonstrate the principles and practice of effective teaching and learning
Access, analyse and interpret information
Initiate and support research and debate about effective learning and teaching
and develop relevant strategies for performance improvement
Acknowledge excellence and challenge poor performance across the school
Ensures a consistent and
continuous school-wide focus
on pupils’ achievement, using
data and benchmarks to
monitor progress in every
child’s learning
Ensures that learning is at the
centre of strategic planning
and resource management
Establishes creative,
responsive and effective
approaches to learning and
Ensures a culture and ethos of
challenge and support where
all pupils can achieve success
and become engaged in their
own learning
Demonstrates and articulates
high expectations and sets
stretching targets for the
whole school community
Implements strategies which
secure high standards of
behaviour and attendance
Determines, organises and
implements a diverse, flexible
curriculum and implements an
effective assessment
Takes a strategic role in the
development of new and
emerging technologies to
enhance and extend the
learning experience of pupils
Monitors, evaluates and
reviews classroom practice
and promotes improvement
Challenges underperformance
at all levels and ensures
effective corrective action and
Developing Self and Working with Others
Effective relationships and communication are important in headship as headteachers work
with and through others. Effective headteachers manage themselves and their relationships
well. Headship is about building a professional learning community which enables others to
achieve. Through performance management and effective continuing professional
development practice, the headteacher supports all staff to achieve high standards. To
equip themselves with the capacity to deal with the complexity of the role and the range of
leadership skills and actions required of them, headteachers should be committed to their
own continuing professional development.
Knows about:
The significance of interpersonal relationships, adult learning and models of
continuing professional development (CPD)
Strategies to promote individual and team development
Building and sustaining a learning community
The relationship between managing performance, CPD and sustained school
The impact of change on organisations and individuals
Professional Qualities
Is committed to:
Effective working relationships
Shared leadership
Effective team working
Continuing professional development for self and all others within the school
Is able to:
Foster an open, fair, equitable culture and manage conflict
Develop, empower and sustain individuals and teams
Collaborate and network with others within and beyond the school
Challenge, influence and motivate others to attain high goals
Give and receive effective feedback and act to improve personal performance
Accept support from others including colleagues, governors and the LEA
Treats people fairly, equitably
and with dignity and respect
to create and maintain a
positive school culture
Builds a collaborative learning
culture within the school and
actively engages with other
schools to build effective
learning communities
Develops and maintains
effective strategies and
procedures for staff induction,
professional development and
performance review
Ensures effective planning,
allocation, support and
evaluation of work undertaken
by teams and individuals,
ensuring clear delegation of
tasks and devolution of
Acknowledges the
responsibilities and celebrates
the achievements of
individuals and teams
Develops and maintains a
culture of high expectations
for self and for others and
takes appropriate action when
performance is unsatisfactory
Regularly reviews own
practice, sets personal targets
and takes responsibility for
own personal development
Manages own workload and
that of others to allow an
appropriate work/life balance
Managing the Organisation
Headteachers need to provide effective organisation and management of the school and
seek ways of improving organisational structures and functions based on rigorous selfevaluation.
Headteachers should ensure that the school and the people and resources
within it are organised and managed to provide an efficient, effective and safe learning
environment. These management responsibilities imply the re-examination of the roles and
responsibilities of those adults working in the school to build capacity across the workforce
and ensure resources are deployed to achieve value for money. Headteachers should also
seek to build successful organisations through effective collaborations with others.
Knows about:
Models of organisations and principles of organisational development
Principles and models of self-evaluation
Principles and practice of earned autonomy
Principles and strategies of school improvement
Project management for planning and implementing change
Policy creation, through consultation and review
Informed decision-making
Strategic financial planning, budgetary management and principles of best value
Performance management
Personnel, governance, security and access issues relating to the diverse use of
school facilities
Legal issues relating to managing a school including Equal Opportunities, Race
Relations, Disability, Human Rights and Employment legislation
The use of new and emerging technologies to enhance organisational effectiveness
Professional Qualities
Is committed to:
Distributed leadership and management
The equitable management of staff and resources
The sustaining of personal motivation and that of all staff
The developing and sustaining of a safe, secure and healthy school environment
Collaborating with others in order to strengthen the school’s organisational
capacity and contribute to the development of capacity in other schools
Is able to:
Establish and sustain appropriate structures and systems
Manage the school efficiently and effectively on a day-to-day basis
Delegate management tasks and monitor their implementation
Prioritise, plan and organise themselves and others
Make professional, managerial and organisational decisions based on informed
Think creatively to anticipate and solve problems
Creates an organisational
structure which reflects the
school’s values, and enables
the management systems,
structures and processes to
work effectively in line with
legal requirements
Produces and implements
clear, evidence-based
improvement plans and
policies for the development of
the school and its facilities
Ensures that, within an
autonomous culture, policies
and practices take account of
national and local
circumstances, policies and
Manages the school’s financial
and human resources
effectively and efficiently to
achieve the school’s
educational goals and
Recruits, retains and deploys
staff appropriately and
manages their workload to
achieve the vision and goals
of the school
Implements successful
performance management
processes with all staff
Manages and organises the
school environment efficiently
and effectively to ensure that it
meets the needs of the
curriculum and health and
safety regulations
Ensures that the range, quality
and use of all available
resources is monitored,
evaluated and reviewed to
improve the quality of
education for all pupils and
provide value for money
Uses and integrates a range of
technologies effectively and
efficiently to manage the
Securing Accountability
With values at the heart of their leadership, headteachers have a responsibility to the whole
school community. In carrying out this responsibility, headteachers are accountable to a
wide range of groups, particularly pupils, parents, carers, governors and the LEA. They are
accountable for ensuring that pupils enjoy and benefit from a high quality education, for
promoting collective responsibility within the whole school community and for contributing
to the education service more widely. Headteachers are legally and contractually
accountable to the governing body for the school, its environment and all its work.
Knows about:
Statutory educational frameworks, including governance
Public services policy and accountability frameworks, including self evaluation and
multi-agency working
The contribution that education makes to developing, promoting and sustaining a
fair and equitable society
The use of a range of evidence, including performance data, to support, monitor,
evaluate and improve aspects of school life, including challenging poor
The principles and practice of quality assurance systems, including school review,
self evaluation and performance management
Stakeholder and community engagement in, and accountability for, the success
and celebration of the school’s performance
Professional Qualities
Is committed to:
Principles and practice of school self evaluation
The school working effectively and efficiently towards the academic, spiritual,
moral, social, emotional and cultural development of all its pupils
Individual, team and whole-school accountability for pupil learning outcomes
Is able to:
Demonstrate political insight and anticipate trends
Engage the school community in the systematic and rigorous self-evaluation of the
work of the school
Collect and use a rich set of data to understand the strengths and weaknesses of
the school
Combine the outcomes of regular school self-review with external evaluations in
order to develop the school
Fulfils commitments arising
from contractual
accountability to the
governing body
Develops a school ethos
which enables everyone to
work collaboratively, share
knowledge and
understanding, celebrate
success and accept
responsibility for outcomes
Ensures individual staff
accountabilities are clearly
defined, understood and
agreed and are subject to
rigorous review and evaluation
Works with the governing
body (providing information,
objective advice and support)
to enable it to meet its
Develops and presents a
coherent, understandable and
accurate account of the
school’s performance to a
range of audiences including
governors, parents and carers
Reflects on personal
contribution to school
achievements and takes
account of feedback from
Strengthening Community
Schools exist in a distinctive social context, which has a direct impact on what happens
inside the school. School leadership should commit to engaging with the internal and
external school community to secure equity and entitlement. Headteachers should
collaborate with other schools in order to share expertise and bring positive benefits to
their own and other schools. They should work collaboratively at both strategic and
operational levels with parents and carers and across multiple agencies for the well-being
of all children. Headteachers share responsibility for leadership of the wider educational
system and should be aware that school improvement and community development
are interdependent.
Knows about:
Current issues and future trends that impact on the school community
The rich and diverse resources within local communities – both human and physical
The wider curriculum beyond school and the opportunities it provides for pupils and the school community
Models of school, home, community and business partnerships The work of other agencies and opportunities for collaboration Strategies which encourage parents and carers to support their children’s learning The strengths, capabilities and objectives of other schools Professional Qualities
Is committed to: Effective team work within the school and with external partners Work with other agencies for the well-being of all pupils and their families Involvement of parents and the community in supporting the learning of children and in defining and realising the school vision Collaboration and networking with other schools to improve outcomes Is able to:
Recognise and take account of the richness and diversity of the school’s communities Engage in a dialogue which builds partnerships and community consensus on values, beliefs and shared  esponsibilities Listen to, reflect and act on community feedback Build and maintain effective Relationships with parents, carers, partners and the community, that enhance the education of all pupils Actions Builds a school culture and curriculum which takes account of the richness and diversity of the  chool’s communities Creates and promotes positive strategies for challenging racial and other  rejudice and dealing with racial harassment Ensures learning experiences for pupils are linked into and integrated with the wider community Ensures a range of community-based learning experiences
Collaborates with other agencies in providing for the academic, spiritual, moral, social, emotional and cultural well-being of pupils and their families Creates and maintains an effective partnership with
parents and carers to support and improve pupils’ achievement and personal development Seeks opportunities to invite parents and carers, community figures, businesses or other organisations into the school to enhance and enrich the school and its value to the wider community Contributes to the
development of the education system by, for example, sharing effective practice, working in  artnership with other schools and promoting innovative initiatives Co-operates and works with
relevant agencies to protect children

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