ڪابل جي جنگ ۽ گندمڪ ڏانهن واپسي
جنوري 1842ع ۾ افغانستان تي انگريزن جي حملي جي تباهيءَ جو خاتمو پهرين افغان جنگ جي جنگ ۾: ڪابل ۽ گندماڪ ڏانهن واپسي
جنگ: پهرين افغان جنگ
ڪابل جي جنگ جي تاريخ ۽ گندمڪ ڏانهن واپسي: جنوري 1842.
ڪابل جي جنگ جو هنڌ ۽ گندمڪ ڏانهن واپسي: وچ افغانستان.
ڪابل جي جنگ ۾ ويڙهاڪن ۽ گندمڪ ڏانهن واپسي: بنگالي فوج جا انگريز ۽ هندستاني ۽ شاهه شجاع جي فوج افغانن ۽ غلزئي قبيلن جي خلاف.
ڪابل جي جنگ ۾ ڪمانڊر ۽ گندمڪ ڏانهن واپسي: جنرل ايلفنسٽن ڪابل جي اميرن، خاص ڪري اڪبر خان ۽ غلزئي قبيلي جي سردارن خلاف.
فوجن جو حجم: 4,500 برطانوي ۽ هندستاني فوجون غير مقرر تعداد ۾ غلزئي قبيلن جي خلاف، ممڪن طور تي 30,000 کان وڌيڪ. ڪابل جي جنگ ۾ يونيفارم، هٿيار ۽ سامان ۽ گندمڪ ڏانهن واپسي:
برطانوي پيادل فوج، ڳاڙهي جيڪٽس، سفيد پتلون ۽ شڪو ٽوپيون پائي، پراڻي براون بيس مسڪيٽ ۽ بيونيٽ سان هٿياربند هيون. هندستاني پيادل فوجي ساڳيا هٿياربند ۽ يونيفارم ۾ هئا.
غلزئي قبيلي وارا تلوارون ۽ جيزل، ڊگھي بيرل مشڪيون کڻندا ھئا.
فاتح: انگريزن ۽ هندستاني فوجن جو صفايو ڪيو ويو سواءِ ٿوري تعداد ۾ قيدين ۽ هڪ بچيل.
Battle of Ghuznee: The British capture of the Afghan city of Ghuznee on 23rd July 1839: a successful beginning to a disastrous war.
Battle of Kabul and the Retreat to Gandamak: The disastrous culmination in January 1842 to the British invasion of Afghanistan in the First Afghan War.
Siege of Jellalabad: The successful defence of Jellalabad in 1841 to 1842 that went a little way to restore the British reputation devastated by the Battles of Kabul and Gandamak.
Battle of Kabul 1842: The revenge taken by the Anglo-Indian ‘Army of Retribution’ against the Afghans between August and October 1842 for the massacres at Kabul and Gandamak.
The Spanish Armada
The spectacular but unsuccessful attempt by King Philip II of Spain to invade Elizabethan England in 1588. The Armada is for the English the classic foreign threat to their country and a powerful icon of national identity Date: June to September 1588.
Area of the Spanish Armada campaign: The English Channel, the North Sea and the seas around the North and West of Scotland, the Orkneys and the West of Ireland.
Combatants in the Spanish Armada campaign: The Armada (Spanish for “Fleet”), manned by Spaniards, Portuguese, Italians, Germans, Dutch, Flemings, Irish and English against the English Fleet assisted by the Dutch Fleet.
Commanders in the Spanish Armada campaign: Spanish commanders were the Duke of Medina Sidonia
Biography of Elizabeth of York, Queen of England
Elizabeth of York (February 11, 1466–February 11, 1503) was a key figure in Tudor history and in the Wars of the Roses. She was the daughter of Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville; Queen of England and Queen Consort of Henry VII; and the mother of Henry VIII, Mary Tudor, and Margaret Tudor, the only woman in history to have been daughter, sister, niece, wife, and mother to English kings.
Elizabeth of York, known alternatively as Elizabeth Plantagenet, was born on February 11, 1466, at Westminster Palace in London, England. She was the eldest of the nine children of Edward IV, king of England (ruled 1461–1483) and his wife Elizabeth Woodville (sometimes spelled Wydeville). Her parents' marriage had created trouble, and her father was briefly deposed in 1470. By 1471, likely challengers to her father's
An index to biographies on this site of notable women who lived about 500 through about 1600 -- including the Middle Ages, the European Renaissance and the Tudor period in British history.
What a wonderful way to screw people over.
* When we prostrate on the ground, we barely complete three tasbeehats and raise our heads *
With this, prayers are performed, but there is no acquaintance with the Lord
We are engaged in prayers in the car
We do not bend ourselves
And do not get up,
We are busy somewhere else during this time
Like the pilot putting the plane on the auto pilot and saluting the passengers.
That is, we do not consider bowing as bowing, prostration as prostration, and standing as obedience to the Lord of the worlds, but our condition is like a toy in which seals are inserted and buttons are turned on. When it is gone, it automatically rolls up and down, left and right,
When you insert a memory card into a device, the device first examines the memory card, reads and recognizes it,
Berengaria of Navarre: Queen Consort to Richard I: The Queen Who Never Saw Her Realm:
Berengaria was the daughter of King Sancho VI of Navarre, called Sancho the wise, and Blanche of Castile.
Richard I of England had been betrothed to Princess Alice of France, sister of King Phillip IV. But Richard's father, Henry II, had made Alice his mistress, and church rules, therefore, forbid the marriage of Alice and Richard.
Berengaria was chosen as wife to Richard I by Richard's mother, Eleanor of Aquitaine. The marriage with Berengaria would bring a dowry that would help Richard finance his efforts in the Third Crusade.
Eleanor, though almost 70 years old, traveled over the Pyrenees to escort Berengaria to Sicily. In Sicily, Eleanor's daughter and Richard's sister, Joan of England, embarked with Berengaria to join Richard in the Holy Land.
*Formulas of Different Compounds*
سرکہ CH₃COOH
ایلومینیم کاربائڈ Al₄C₃
ایلومینیم کلورائد AlCl₃
ایلومینیم ہائڈرو آکسائیڈ اے (OH) ₃
امونیا NH₃
امونیم کاربونیٹ (NH₄) ₃CO₃
امونیم سائانائڈ NH₄CN
امونیم ہائیڈرو آکسائیڈ NH₄OH
امونیم نائٹریٹ NH₄NO₃
امونیم آکسالیٹ (NH₄) ₂C₂O₄
امونیم فاسفیٹ (NH₄) ₄PO₄
امونیم سلفیٹ (NH₄) ₄SO₄
بیکنگ سوڈا NaHCO₃
بیریم فلورائڈ BF₂
بیریم ہائیڈرو آکسائیڈ با (OH) ₂
بیریم فاسفیٹ با₃ (PO₄) ₂
بیریم سلفائڈ باس
بیرییلیم کلورائد بی سی ایل
بیرییلیم نائٹریٹ بی (NO₃) ₂
بورن ٹرائکلورائڈ BCl₃
کیلشیم ایسیٹیٹ Ca (C₂H₃O₂) ₂
کیلشیم برومائڈ CaBr₂
کیلشیم کاربونیٹ (چاک ، موتی) CaCO₃
کیلشیم کلورائد CaCl₂
کیلشیم ہائیڈروجن کاربونیٹ Ca (HCO₃) ₂
کیلشیم ہائیڈرو آکسائیڈ Ca (OH) ₂
کیلشیم آئوڈائڈ CaI₂
کیلشیم نائٹریڈ Ca₃N₂
کیلشیم آکسائڈ CaO
کیلشیم فاسفیٹ Ca₃ (PO₄) ₂
کیلشیم سلفائڈ سی اے ایس
کاربن ڈائی آکسائیڈ CO₂
کاربن ڈاسلفائیڈ CS₂
May 12, 1191 . Spanish Princess Berengaria married a king on this day – and is believed to have been the only queen in history never to have set foot in her realm. Her husband was Richard the Lionheart – King Richard I of England – and they were married in Cyprus
There’s a special place in the Confederate pantheon for J.E.B. Stuart because he personified one of the archetypes of the South—the gay cavalier, who mocked danger, flirted with women, kept prayer book in hand, knew horseflesh, loved racing, and responded to the plink of a banjo. Stuart not only kept a banjo player with him throughout his campaigns, he actually stole the best banjo player in the Confederate army from another unit and
"عجب چیز ہے لذت آ شنائی"
*جب ہم زمین پر سجدہ کرتے ہیں تو بمشکل تین تسبیحات پوری کرتے ہیں اور سر اٹھا لیتے ہیں*
اس سے نماز تو ہو جاتی ہے مگر رب سے آشنائی نہیں ہوتی ـ
ہم نماز میں آٹو پہ لگے ہوتے ہیں
ہم خود نہ جھکتے ہیں
اور نہ اٹھتے ہیں ،
ہم اس دوران کہیں اور مصروف ہوتے ہیں
جیسے پائیلٹ جہاز کو آٹو پائیلٹ پر لگا کر خود سواریوں سے دعاء سلام کر رہا ہوتا ھے ـ
یعنی ہم رکوع کو رکوع سمجھ کر ، سجدے کو سجدہ سمجھ کر اور قیام کو واقعی رب العالمین کے سامنے فرمانبرداری سمجھ کر کھڑے نہیں ہوتے بلکہ ہماری کیفیت ٹھیک اس کھلونے کی طرح ہوتی ہے، جس میں سیل ڈال دیئے گئے ہوں اور بٹن آن کر دیا گیا ہو تو وہ خود بخود اوپر نیچے دائیں بائیں لڑھکتا پھرتا ہے ،
آپ جب کوئی میموری کارڈ کسی ڈیوائس میں ڈالتے ہیں تو وہ ڈیوائس پہلے اس میموری کارڈ کا جائزہ لیتی ھے اس کو پڑھتی اور Recognize کرتی ہے ،
پھر پوچھتی ہے کہ اس میموری کارڈ کی حقیقت یہ ہے کہ اس میں فلاں فلاں چیز ہے ،فلاں فلاں فولڈر ہے ،
اس کی اتنی سپیس استعمال ہو چکی ہے اور اتنی باقی ہے ،
پھر وہ آپ کو بتاتی ہے کہ سرکار آپ جو مواد اس پر کاپی کرنا چاہتے ہیں وہ کاپی نہیں ھو سکتا کیونکہ اس کارڈ میں جگہ کم ہے جبکہ مواد کا حجم زیادہ ہے ،
آپ کچھ مواد ڈیلیٹ کر کے مناسب جگہ بنائیں ـ
ہم جب سجدہ کرتے ہیں تو زمین اس ماتھے کو ریڈ کرتی ھے اور Recognize کرتی ھے ،
اس پراسس میں کچھ دیر لگتی ہے ، زمین سادا ہو تو جبیں کو پہچاننے میں تھوڑا وقت لگتا ہے ،
مصلا اور قالین جتنا موٹا ہوگا جبیں کو زمین سے رابطہ کرنے میں اتنی ہی زیادہ دیر لگتی ھے
ہم جبیں کو ماتھا ریڈ کرنے سے پہلے ہی اٹھا لیتے ہیں یوں جیسے جاتے ہیں ویسے آ جاتے ہیں نہ کچھ ڈیلیٹ ھوتا ھے اور نہ ہی کچھ کاپی پیسٹ ھوتا ھے
الله تعالیٰ کے قدموں میں سر ہو اور کچھ لئے بغیر اٹھ کر گھر آ جاؤ تو پھر محرومی ہی محرومی ہےـ
کم از کم پانچ سات بار کی تسبیح کے بعد ہی آپ دنیا کی ٹرانس سے نکل کر مینوئل پر آئیں گے ـ
اور آپ کو اپنی کیفیت کا اندازہ ہو گا کہ آپ اس وقت کس پوزیشن میں ہیں ،
ہاتھ کہاں ہیں ؟
ماتھا کہاں ہے ؟
گھٹنے اور پاؤں کہاں ہیں ؟
جو جو چیز آپ کو یاد آتی جائے گی سمجھ لیں کہ وہ وہ چیز حقیقت میں recognize ہو رہی ہے ،
اس کے بعد اب تسبیح کے الفاظ دوہرائیں دو سجدوں کے درمیان کی دعاء اگر یاد نہ ہو تو اپنی زبان میں پڑھ لیں ،
اے الله تعالیٰ مجھے معاف فرما دے ،
اور مجھ پر رحم فرما ،
اور مجھے ہدایت دے دے،
اور مجھے عافیت عطاء فرما ،
اور مجھے رزق عطاء فرما اور میرے دکھوں پر مرہم پٹی کر دے ـ
اللھم اغفر لی وارحمنی واھدنی وعافنی وارزقنی واجبُرنی ،،
رزق کا وسیع مفہوم بھی ذہن میں رکھیں کہ اس میں گندم اور چاول ہی نہیں بلکہ مال ، اولاد ، صحت ، بصارت ،سماعت اور خوشیاں سب شامل ہیں۔
اب آپ دوسرے سجدے کے لئے پک چکے ہیں ،
پہلے سجدے میں اسپیس بنی تھی دوسرے سجدے میں اس دعاء کو پیسٹ کر دیں ،
صرف دو رکعتوں کے بعد ہی آپ اپنا وزن خود محسوس کرنا شروع کر دیں گے ، آ پ کو
اپنا آپ کبھی خالی خالی محسوس نہیں ہو گا ،
اور اب آپ کو اگلی نماز کا انتظار رہے گا ـ
کیونکہ نماز میں ثواب کے ساتھ حلاوت بھی محسوس ہوتی ہوگی
اور یہی حلاوت لذتِ آشنائی کہلاتی ہے۔۔..
ايشيا ۽ آفريقا کنڊ بعد اڄ جي جاگرافي پوسٽ يورپ کنڊ بابت آهي ان جو پهريون فيڪٽ ته ان کنڊ ۾ ڪو ريگستان ڪين آهي انتهائي ايڊوانس ۽ ترقي يافته خطو . يورپ .
جاپان جاپان آ
برانڊ جي دنيا ۾ عزت احترام سان نالو کنيو ويندڙ ملڪ
" ابن انشاء‘‘ کا کلام ’’انشاء جی اٹھو اب کوچ کرو" جس کے لکھنے کے ایک ماہ بعد وہ وفات پاگئے تھے۔
اس کے بعد ’’قتیل شفائی‘‘ نے غزل لکھی " یہ کس نے کہا تم کوچ کرو، باتیں نہ بناؤ انشا جی" دونوں غزلیں اپنے اعتبار سے اردو ادب ميں ایک اچھا اضافہ ہيں۔
ہاں، یہ اور بات ہے کہ ’’قتیل صاحب‘‘ کی غزل زیادہ افسردہ کر جاتی ہے۔
’’ابنِ انشاء‘‘
انشاء جی اٹھو اب کوچ کرو، اس شہر ميں جی کو لگانا کيا
وحشی کو سکوں سےکيا مطلب، جوگی کا نگر ميں ٹھکانا کيا
اس دل کے دريدہ دامن کو، ديکھو تو سہی سوچو تو سہی
جس جھولی ميں سو چھيد ہوئے، اس جھولی کا پھيلانا کيا
شب بيتی ، چاند بھی ڈوب چلا ، زنجير پڑی دروازے میں
کيوں دير گئے گھر آئے ہو، سجنی سے کرو گے بہانا کيا
پھر ہجر کی لمبی رات مياں، سنجوگ کی تو يہی ايک گھڑی
جو دل ميں ہے لب پر آنے دو، شرمانا کيا گھبرانا کيا
اس روز جو اُن کو دیکھا ہے، اب خواب کا عالم لگتا ہے
اس روز جو ان سے بات ہوئی، وہ بات بھی تھی افسانہ کیا
اس حُسن کے سچے موتی کو ہم ديکھ سکيں پر چُھو نہ سکيں
جسے ديکھ سکيں پر چُھو نہ سکيں وہ دولت کيا وہ خزانہ کيا
اس کو بھی جلا دُکھتے ہوئے مَن، اک شُعلہ لال بھبوکا بن
یوں آنسو بن بہہ جانا کیا؟ یوں ماٹی میں مل جانا کیا
جب شہر کےلوگ نہ رستہ ديں،کيوں بن ميں نہ جا بسرام کرے
ديوانوں کی سی نہ بات کرے تو اور کرے ديوانہ کيا
’’قتیل شفائی‘‘
یہ کس نے کہا تم کوچ کرو، باتیں نہ بناؤ انشا جی
یہ شہر تمہارا اپنا ہے، اسے چھوڑ نہ جاؤ انشا جی
جتنے بھی یہاں کے باسی ہیں، سب کے سب تم سے پیار کریں
کیا اِن سے بھی منہ پھیروگے، یہ ظلم نہ ڈھاؤ انشا جی
کیا سوچ کے تم نے سینچی تھی، یہ کیسر کیاری چاہت کی
تم جن کو ہنسانے آئے تھے، اُن کو نہ رلاؤ انشا جی
تم لاکھ سیاحت کے ہو دھنی، اِک بات ہماری بھی مانو
کوئی جا کے جہاں سے آتا نہیں، اُس دیس نہ جاؤ انشا جی
بکھراتے ہو سونا حرفوں کا، تم چاندی جیسے کاغذ پر
پھر اِن میں اپنے زخموں کا، مت زہر ملاؤ انشا جی
اِک رات تو کیا وہ حشر تلک، رکھے گی کھلا دروازے کو
کب لوٹ کے تم گھر آؤ گے، سجنی کو بتاؤ انشا جی
نہیں صرف *قتیل* کی بات یہاں، کہیں ساحر ہے کہیں عالی ہے
تم اپنے پرانے یاروں سے، دامن نہ چھڑاؤ انشا جی۔
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Martin Luther King, Jr., original name Michael King, Jr., (born January 15, 1929, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.—died April 4, 1968, Memphis, Tennessee), Baptist minister and social activist who led the civil rights movement in the United States from the mid-1950s until his death by assassination in 1968. His leadership was fundamental to that movement’s success in ending the legal segregation of African Americans in the South and other parts of the United States. King rose to national prominence as head of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, which promoted nonviolent tactics, such as the massive March on Washington (1963), to achieve civil rights. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. King came from a comfortable middle-class family steeped in the tradition of the Southern Black ministry: both his father and maternal grandfather were Baptist preachers. His parents were college-educated, and King’s father had succeeded his father-in-law as pastor of the prestigious Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta. The family lived on Auburn Avenue, otherwise known as “Sweet Auburn,” the bustling “Black Wall Street,” home to some of the country’s largest and most prosperous Black businesses and Black churches in the years before the civil rights movement. Young Martin received a solid education and grew up in a loving extended family.
This secure upbringing, however, did not prevent King from experiencing the prejudices then common in the South. He never forgot the time when, at about age six, one of his white playmates announced that his parents would no longer allow him to play with King, because the children were now attending segregated schools. Dearest to King in these early years was his maternal grandmother, whose death in 1941 left him shaken and unstable. Upset because he had learned of her fatal heart attack while attending a parade without his parents’ permission, the 12-year-old King attempted suicide by jumping from a second-story window.
In 1944, at age 15, King entered Morehouse College in Atlanta under a special wartime program intended to boost enrollment by admitting promising high-school students like King. Before beginning college, however, King spent the summer on a tobacco farm in Connecticut; it was his first extended stay away from home and his first substantial experience of race relations outside the segregated South. He was shocked by how peacefully the races mixed in the North. “Negroes and whites go [to] the same church,” he noted in a letter to his parents. “I never [thought] that a person of my race could eat anywhere.” This summer experience in the North only deepened King’s growing hatred of racial segregation.
At Morehouse, King favoured studies in medicine and law, but these were eclipsed in his senior year by a decision to enter the ministry, as his father had urged. King’s mentor at Morehouse was the college president, Benjamin Mays, a social gospel activist whose rich oratory and progressive ideas had left an indelible imprint on King’s father. Committed to fighting racial inequality, Mays accused the African American community of complacency in the face of oppression, and he prodded the Black church into social action by criticizing its emphasis on the hereafter instead of the here and now; it was a call to service that was not lost on the teenage King. He graduated from Morehouse in 1948.
King spent the next three years at Crozer Theological Seminary in Chester, Pennsylvania, where he became acquainted with Mohandas Gandhi’s philosophy of nonviolence as well as with the thought of contemporary Protestant theologians. He earned a bachelor of divinity degree in 1951. Renowned for his oratorical skills, King was elected president of Crozer’s student body, which was composed almost exclusively of white students. As a professor at Crozer wrote in a letter of recommendation for King, “The fact that with our student body largely Southern in constitution a colored man should be elected to and be popular [in] such a position is in itself no mean recommendation.” From Crozer, King went to Boston University, where, in seeking a firm foundation for his own theological and ethical inclinations, he studied man’s relationship to God and received a doctorate (1955) for a dissertation titled “A Comparison of the Conceptions of God in the Thinking of Paul Tillich and Henry Nelson Wieman.”
Although the office of prime minister exists in most countries, there are variations in how the office operates and is organized. The strong prime minister model is found in its purest form in the United Kingdom and other countries that were once part of the British Empire, especially India, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. The premier does not have a large executive department but controls the central direction of policy by selecting all the cabinet ministers and junior ministers; by determining the legislative agenda of the government and strongly influencing economic priorities; by managing the civil service; by setting the structure and operations of the government (e.g., creating new departments or determining which cabinet committees make which decisions); and by leading the majority in parliament. Strong prime ministers in these so-called Westminster systems are
prime minister, also called premier, the head of government in a country with a parliamentary or semipresidential political system. In such systems, the prime minister—literally the “first,” or most important, minister—must be able to command a continuous majority in the legislature (usually the lower house in a bicameral system) to remain in office.
Most countries with prime ministers have two executives, a head of government (the prime minister) and a head of state (generally either a non-executive president or a hereditary monarch). The head of state formally appoints the prime minister, who in turn selects the other cabinet ministers. In practice, however, the choice exercised by the head of state is often quite limited (except in semipresidential systems); it is restricted generally to the head of the largest party or coalition in the legislature (typically the lower house in a bicameral system). Although the origin of the title lies in 17th-century France, where Cardinal de Richelieu was acknowledged in 1624 as principal or premier ministre, the office essentially developed in Britain in the 18th century, when the king ceased to attend and chair meetings of his ministers. This change left powerful premiers to take on the role of government chief executive—for example, Robert Walpole (1721–42), who is generally considered Britain’s first prime minister, and William Pitt, the Younger (1783–1801; 1804–06). During their long tenures, the prime minister became the preeminent cabinet member, supervising and coordinating the work of every government department; other cabinet members were required to subscribe to the government’s official policy; and the prime minister was required to command a majority in the House of Commons—all characteristics shared by modern prime ministers.
Since the development of the office of prime minister, holders of the position have typically concentrated on the most high-profile or strategic aspects of government, particularly top-level foreign relations, major defense decisions, macroeconomic policy, and the government’s legislative timetable and priorities. As a result, relations between the prime minister and the foreign and finance ministers (and defense ministers during conflicts) are normally key indicators of the success of a government. In the modern period the role of prime minister has been enhanced by the emergence of international summits and heads of government meetings (e.g., the regular meetings of the heads of government of members of the European Union) as key events in international diplomacy.
Nevertheless, the role and influence of premiers (using their own political resources) have tended to be eroded by the increased specialization of government and the expanded role of bureaucracies and government professionals. For example, in the late 1980s in the United Kingdom the Conservative prime minister Margaret Thatcher intervened personally to force through changes in Britain’s football (soccer) grounds, such as the installation of steel cages to pen in crowds, to counteract the politically embarrassing problem of football “hooliganism.” But these changes destroyed a delicate balance between crowd control and crowd safety, and they were subsequently abandoned following the death in 1989 of more than 90 football fans who were crushed against fences at Hillsborough Stadium in Sheffield. Equally, Thatcher’s introduction of a “poll tax,” an unpopular local tax that charged rich and poor alike at the same rate, proved impossible to implement and was scrapped within two years of its introduction at a cost of billions of pounds. Indeed, the public backlash against the introduction of the tax created opposition from Conservative members of the House of Commons, which induced Thatcher’s resignation as prime minister and her replacement by John Major, her chancellor of the Exchequer. These examples illustrate that “policy communities” in many different areas of government may command detailed expertise on issues that prime ministers may override—sometimes at their own peril. In most countries, premiers have tried to ease these limitations on their influence by building up their own policy staffs with expertise and establishing units to oversee the enactment of their key strategies and priorities. But there is only limited evidence that such policy centralization can work successfully.
Most countries in the world now have established an office of prime minister (alternatively called premier or chancellor). However, the United States and many African and Latin American countries have adopted presidential systems consisting of an executive president (who is also head of state) and a separation of powers between the legislature and the executive. In these countries, the president picks his own cabinet or government, which does not depend on legislative support to remain in office (see presidency of the United States of America). Indeed, whereas in parliamentary systems prime ministers can be removed from office by the legislature through a simple vote of confidence, executive presidents can generally be removed from office only through a more cumbersome impeachment proceeding for serious crimes or abuse of office