Monday, April 4, 2022

Variations in the role and power of the office OF PRIME MINISTER


Variations in the role and power of the office

Although the office of prime minister exists in most countries, there are variations in how the office operates and is organized. The strong prime minister model is found in its purest form in the United Kingdom and other countries that were once part of the British Empire, especially IndiaCanadaAustralia, and New Zealand. The premier does not have a large executive department but controls the central direction of policy by selecting all the cabinet ministers and junior ministers; by determining the legislative agenda of the government and strongly influencing economic priorities; by managing the civil service; by setting the structure and operations of the government (e.g., creating new departments or determining which cabinet committees make which decisions); and by leading the majority in parliament. Strong prime ministers in these so-called Westminster systems are

often endowed with considerable constitutional powers, including the power to change the structure of ministries (and, hence, the number of powers of their cabinet colleagues) as an executive action without seeking new legislation. They can also dissolve the legislature and call for new elections at any point during their term (though these powers are exercised by the British prime minister only by convention); this power is quite useful, enabling a prime minister to hold an election at politically advantageous times. New prime ministers typically are strongest immediately following an election; their power and prestige may decay if the government becomes unpopular. Because Britain and most Commonwealth countries have adopted plurality-based national electoral systems, coalition governments are rare in Westminster systems, and when they do occur (as in India, for example, in the 1990s and early 21st century) the prime minister’s political predominance is considerably reduced (see plurality system).

The strong prime minister model has been admired because it provides clear and decisive political leadership. In a somewhat different form it is found in several major European countries; for example, in GermanyGreeceSpain, and Sweden, premiers exercise considerable authority, even though the political systems of these countries are quite different from the Westminster model, operating with proportional elections and coalition governments. The key factor in such countries is that prime ministers lead large and integrated political parties and wield significant constitutional powers. Israel’s prime ministers had been hampered in the late 20th century by shifting coalitions and a fractured party system, leading the Knesset (parliament) to adopt legislation in the mid-1990s that put in place the direct election of the prime minister. Intended to enhance the prime minister’s position against parliamentary coalitions, this move backfired, and the new legislation in fact only further fragmented the party system; it was consequently soon rescinded.

Weak prime ministers are generally found in countries where coalition governments are the norm, involving several political parties that must work together to maintain a legislative majority (e.g., the NetherlandsBelgiumSwitzerlandAustria, and Italy for most of the post-World War II period). Arguably, the Japanese prime minister is also weak in comparison to the British prime minister, even though Japan generally has had single-party majority governments, led by the Liberal Democratic Party. In this model the prime minister is much less influential, especially when governments are short-lived or when they suffer from deep internal division (as was often the case in Italy until the 1990s). In coalition governments, for example, the premier generally has to balance representation among the various coalition party partners, doling out cabinet and junior ministerial appointments in numbers sufficient to ensure the support of all parties within the government. The premier often has little effective influence over who gets what ministerial role and may be unable to exert firm control over the direction of policy. With multiple parties sharing power the prime minister also does not have the same direct control over the legislative timetable and may even have to make executive decisions through consensus. In countries with weak prime ministers, department heads have more independent control of their ministries (particularly the finance and foreign ministers) and their own followings in parliament.

Even if the prime minister’s party has a parliamentary majority (as in Italy in the 1950 and ’60s or Japan for much of the post-World War II period), the prime minister’s power may be reduced by the presence of strong internal factions, each headed by semi-independent leaders. In such cases, the prime minister may not be the uncontested—or even the primary—party leader; instead he may be a compromise figure able to appeal to voters and to hold the party factions together, perhaps only for a short period or until the government encounters a crisis or major problem. At other times the prime minister may not even come from the largest party in a coalition but may instead represent a smaller party with a central position in the majority coalition or a party whose involvement is necessary for the government to survive—as was often the case in Italy in the 1980s and ’90s, when leaders such as Giovanni Spadolini of the Italian Republican Party and Bettino Craxi and Giuliano Amato of the Italian Socialist Party held the prime ministership despite the political dominance of the Christian Democratic Party (see Italian Popular Party), their coalition partner. In weak prime minister systems, the premier may not be able to change the structure of government departments nor the operations of the civil service because of restrictive legal constraints—for example, changing the structure of ministries may require either new legislation (difficult to obtain if the government does not have a secure majority) or even a constitutional amendment. Sometimes the premier may be reduced to being no more than the “first among equals” within the executive branch, chairing cabinet discussions and having some power to set the government’s agenda (especially over international summits) but not acting as a chief executive.

Prime ministers in semipresidential systems (e.g., FranceFinlandPoland, and South Korea) are a special case. In such systems, there is both a directly elected president with some substantial “reserved” executive powers and a presidentially appointed premier who must retain majority support in the parliament. If the president’s party or coalition also controls a legislative majority (as in France under Pres. Charles de Gaulle), the prime minister is generally a secondary figure, responsible for the day-to-day running of the government and managing the president’s legislative agenda. The president retains the authority to hire and fire the prime minister from among the leaders of his political party. The president is also preeminent in foreign and defense policy and in other strategic areas. The office of prime minister is much more important, however, in periods of “divided government,” when one party or coalition controls the presidency and a rival party or coalition retains majority support in parliament. During such periods, known as “cohabitation” in France, the president normally appoints the leader of the parliamentary majority as prime minister. The prime minister chairs the cabinet or government, which consists solely of ministers from his own party or coalition, and the premier’s role resembles that of a company chief executive who has to get along with a powerful chairman. During cohabitation, the president’s influence is often restricted to those issues where there is informal agreement between the president and prime minister and to any “reserved areas” where the constitution specifically requires the president’s participation and agreement, usually foreign affairs, national defense, and major economic policy. The prime minister (like the relevant individual ministers) has to get along with the president, modifying policy enough to prevent a stalemate, despite the two leaders representing different parties. A successful prime minister in cohabitation governments is often viewed as a challenger to the president at the next election.

There is a final, ultraweak version of the office of prime minister, which occurs in countries with very strong presidents who have the political resources to influence electoral and legislative politics so as to “create” their own majority. In the 1990s Russian Pres. Boris Yeltsin was able to secure approval for his prime ministerial appointees despite the fact that his backers did not hold a majority in the State Duma and a majority of representatives were often hostile to his government. His successorVladimir Putin, progressively exercised more power so as to define how parties compete in elections and how the Duma operates, thereby guaranteeing his government’s legislative support and so reducing the role of the premier accordingly. Nonetheless, the premier remains constitutionally second in line to the president.

Within each model there are many variations over time and depending upon the different qualities of the people who occupy the office of prime minister. Skillful and charismatic politicians in systems that generally have weaker prime ministers may wield significantly more power and influence than their predecessors. And in normally strong prime minister systems, exceptional political conditions may occur (e.g., when the government is unable to command a majority or when the government is deeply unpopular) that reduce the usual power of the holder of the office. The prime minister’s role in semipresidential systems often varies sharply depending on whether there is divided government or same-party control of the presidency and the premiership. Premiers may still exist in some presidential systems (e.g., Russia) where the constitutional powers vested in the presidency are vast.

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