Monday, April 4, 2022

March 23, 1923 HEMO CALLING Birthday, Hemo Kalani was born on March 23, 1923, in the house of Paseo Mill Kalani in Old Sukkur

 March 23, 1923


 Zulfiqar Qadri

 Hemo Kalani was born on March 23, 1923, in the house of Paseo Mill Kalani in Old Sukkur.  His father used to work for money-mill trade. Hemun Kalani's real name was Raheem Heman, while Hamon used to call her out of love.  While offering gifts, the youth of Sukkur also had the keys to the independence of Sindh.  The period of 1942 was when the "Harakat movement" was in force in Sindh while in Central India Mahatma Gandhi was leading the Indian Empire.  It was such an emotional period that people's hearts were filled with hate for British imperialism.  Sukkur's young impressed with such ends.  Hammond Kalani was still a high school student at that time.  In his heart was the cannon of freedom and famine against the British. He was there on the night of October 23, when it was reported that a special train was being loaded with troops that would carry the gunfire ahead of Sukkur.  Hammon knew that the ammunition and the military aboard the train would prove to be anathema to the drunkenness of freedom.  Eventually, he and his friends planned to drop the train.  Together they began to scrap the railroad tracks. At the same time, a soldier named Feroz Khan saw them, all of the Hammons were burnt, but Humayun Callahan was also caught.  Hamon Kalani was brutally tortured; at that time the methods of torture and persecution were tried on this young man.  The torturers only knew the names of those who joined him at the time of the train collision, but to this end, no one spoke with the name of a colleague.  Hamon Kalani was finally court-martialed for 22 consecutive days of torture.  Once during the statement he said that I wanted to dismantle the railway line so that the fronts on it would be destroyed, but to my misfortune I failed.  Finally, the government announced that he would be harassed. After Hamon's conviction was passed, his lawyer Pirzadi Abdul Sattar sent his aunt to ask him if he could get the amnesty exemption.  But Hammon disapproved of such an apology and said, "I have done nothing wrong with which I should repent. So what is forgiveness?"  When his mother came to see him, he also told her that the apology justified the name, but that the Surah Youth refused to do so.  They say he was happy in prison, and had no fear of being punished by the bandit.  There was often a saying that these angels would sing from this country, that if I were to do even more then I would die a brave one.  Hammon Callaghan was not automatically granted amnesty, on January 21, 1943, Hamon Kalani was imprisoned in the Central Jail Sker at the age of 19.  In fact, the Hammon Kalani is one of the proudest, most inspiring, and very important roles in the history of us visitors.

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